tmpegenc says framesever error???

Discussion in 'MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 encoding (AVI to DVD)' started by born1974, Apr 7, 2005.

  1. born1974

    born1974 Member

    Dec 6, 2004
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    I've been using tmpegenc for awhile now and it works fine when it does work. but lately every other avi file i throw at it gives a frameserver error. what's wered is i can't even preview the file let a lone encode it. is it the program,codec, or that vfapiframeserver thing? i got all the latest codecs for avi files divx,xvid,a bunch of mpeg-2 and 4 codes. i also downloaded somthing called fddshow from here and that didn't work ether. I don't what to get into other progams like vdubmod i want to stick with the to programs i know the best tmpegenc and canopus. now canopus will encode the file but the only thing i don't like about canopus is if you try to resize the video, and i don't mean the format of the video witch is ntsc 4:3 at 720x480 or 704x480 or 16:9 at 720x360 i know those are the only two that work for dvd players. you change the video size. some files i get are avi 640x272 and others too, and i like to make them 640x320 witch is 2:1 ratio. tmpegenc will do it fine when i don't have frame problem. canopus will too but the result is pixled looking. and even if i don't resize the video in canopus and keep it at 1:1 ratio witch will make the output the same as the input except the original avi file don't have a dvd ntsc 720x480 format for t.v. and dvd players. I did a thread a while ago and the responce was that you can't resize the file to anything but what your dvd player can handle witch is ntsc 4:3 16:9 720x480 or 704x480. that guy didn't know what he was talking about because you can make a video any size you want. for instance the format is 720x480. the video is 640x480. that means you have 80 pixels of black 40 on top 40 on bottom. because the black becomes part of the total 720. iv'e done it it can be done. so i guess i really have to questions here. the frame server thing and why canopus lookes pixely even without resizing the video.THANX MUCH IF YOU CAN HELP ME OUT. OH one more thing the result of the canopus file does'nt look as bad on a real t.v. but it still noticeable so i don't think it's a pixle or aspect ratio flag. and all my encoded files always play on my dvd player and at whatever size i made the video at. if made one 2:1, then it's 2:1 on the t.v. i even did some test where i resized it to a 6:1 just to see what would happen and it got 6:1 on my t.v. so it works. but obveously changing it that much will make it look pixley but not changing it at all shouldn't do the same thing.
    Last edited: Apr 7, 2005
  2. born1974

    born1974 Member

    Dec 6, 2004
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    Do i have everybody stumped on this one or what? need a little help.

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