can any one help me with this ,i have dl some films of the donkey network (top quality i might add)i have decompressed the audio to wav cos i know tmpg dont like anything else but whenever i trie to set the source range for about 1 hour for vcd encoding i get the message invalid pointer operation .these are not ac3 encoded films for which ide need vdub mob and i have the audio codecs installed and its a fully reg version of tmpg .and i know how to set the source range so what the hell is it .this seems to me to be probably the most popular prog on the net for re encoding but possibly the fu****g fussiest prog on the net suggestions for a better prog for re encoding would be most appreciated. thanks for any help in advance
just in case anybody out there is wastin there time with tmpg encoder forget it get hold of honestech mpeg encoder 6.0 its available for download with15 days trial it encodes xvid and ac3 without any decompressin to wav or any other trouble like that it beats tmpg hands down.
I admit Tmpgenc isn"t the Best Program in the world and I am not a Huge Fan of it But It"s encodeing Quality and Speed is Much better than that Crappy Honestech encoder 6, I have been Reviewing the Honestech Encoder 6 for a friends online magazine for the last 2 days and it has to be the Slowest encoder ever and it has none of the Settings that are Needed for High Quality encodeing..I"m sure someone who doesn"t know anything about Digital video might find it acceptable but for a Video Profecinal Like myself it is another Bottom of the barell Encoder....Cheers _ _X_X_X_X_X_[small]It"s better to be Pissed Off than Pissed On!!![/small]
HMMMM your (profecinal) thats very interesting and you obviously know everything there is to know so ill leave the advise to you,yes honestech is slow but it works and the quality is as good as tmpg so youre talkin out of your arse on that point,and it does encode ac3 encoded movies straight of with no hassle try doin that with tmpg .
Tmpgenc does encode AC3 audio But you would have to Know what you are Doing to Figure that out which you odviously don"t..The Quality of Honestech Is Passable But In My "Profecinal" Opinion it is a Low end Newbie encoder like a Million others which only someone who has absolutly no Video Knowlege would use..The Thing Doesn"t even have Resolution settings or settings for Scanning Pattern or Gop structure or Intra DC Precition and a Whole Meriad of other settings which are Nescessary for Quality encodeing , Pluss for DVD encodeing it only supports One of the Four DVD Standards which is not only Lame But totally unprofecinal..But this isn"t a Place to be argueing about which Program does this or that, this is supposed to be a Place to get and Give advice and you have given yours and I have given Mine and lets leave it at That....Cheers
so lets get this straight, because im rather pissed of with your attitude, first you insult my inteligence by assuming i know nothing about digital video encoding or computers, then you state i dont know what im doing ,if you bothered to read my reply you would see i said honestech encodes ac3 straight of the bat which it does tmpg don't .not that it wont but you have to decompress ac3 to fit it on video cd or svcd as stereo.and as for you goin on about being (profecinal) i doubt that very much as you dont even know how to spell the word you dumb ass.its (professional)but you were so dumb you didn't even realise i was being sarcastic by putting brackets round profecinal.
Well I personally do not care if you are Pissed and it is Odvious that you Don"t know much about Encodeing or Digital Video by the Way you are talking..And NO you DONT need to decompress the AC3 audio to Encode it In Tmpgenc which someone who knew what the were talking about could Figure out...I"m not insulting your Inteligence you are insulting your own Inteligence by the way you Thruw insults instead of backing it up with Hard Facts, You seem happy to Just hurl Insults rather than to say why I am Wrong and you are Right which is a Sure sign of immatureity...Here"s a Hard Fact for you I have been working for a Studio in Vancouver for allmost 8 years and have done work on numourous TV Shows Like Stargate SG1 and Movies Like X-Men II and Dozens of Comercials for TV and I went to University for 2 Years to take Broadcasting...Like I said Before this Is a Place to get advice and Give advice Not to Flame Poeple because you don"t like what they say...So Please For the sake of this Board keep your Insults to your self......Have a Nice Day PS: You have been the only one who has been Throwing Insults like "Talking out yer arse" and "Dumb ASS" Not me and as you should know Insults Like these Will not be Tolerated on this Board...
I think he's right Minion. If you don't spell the word professional correctly you can't possibly know anything about video encoding. ;-) I guess all those people you've helped out here are lucky you guess right just about every time. 8D