I cant fit a simple XVid onto a DVD-R because TMPGenc thinks that my XVid movie (Starsky & Hutch) is 298 minutes (5 fricken hours long) It is really 100 minutes (1:40 hours) I have included a link to my screenshot (because i dont know how to post pictures) - www.users.on.net/~mazda/new_page_1.htm Thanks for your time, Kelly
ignore all the warnings that the file size will be to big contiue anyway and the same with dvd authour then use dvd shrink to get it to the rite size if no luck with tmpgnc plus try useing cinemacraft encoder sp its alot better and twice as fast you will find it on bearshare or kazza but its pretty hi tec to ue if ur new to it. mainconcept mpeg encoder is your best bet its got a very easy to use ineterface you can also find it on bearshare/kazza you may have to crack or patch them though good luck.
Did you rip your copy of Starskey& Hutch yourself, or was it off the net? Becauce why are you using AVI's when you could be using MPEG-2's and using TMPGEnc's advanced features( max bit rate, resolution for example) to lower the file size. The reason for using MPEG-2's in the fist place is that DVD's etc are in some sort of MPEG, and TMPGEnc doesn't really like AVI's
http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/40101 Read #10. I had the same problem and that solved it. ....now if I could just figure out how to keep the 16:9 aspect ratio....