I'm using TMPGenc (Xpress) to convert an AVI file to DVD MPEG-2 (specifically 16:9, NTSC). The problem is, the AVI video is in an incorrect aspect ratio of 640x352, and I need to convert this to a 624x352 (1.78) ratio on the DVD. Naturally, I cannot directly do the math with TMPGenc, because the aspect of 720x480 isn't actually what the DVD converts to for viewing. Normally, I just use the "Full Screen: Keep Aspect Ratio" option. However, I cannot do that with this (because the source file is the incorrect AR), and I cannot figure out what the 720x480 ratio should be. I've come up with 702x480, but I'm not sure if this is correct... Can anyone help? Thanks.
I disagree with you. A trick which can [bold]always[/bold] be applied: 1) have VirtualDub's frameserver installed (double click on auxsetup.exe, in VirtualDub's directory and click on 'install handler') 2) open your AVI with VirtualDub 3) Do Video___Filter___Add --> Resize and configure it this way: New Width: X'=720 (standard DVD's width) New Height: Y'=(720/X)*Y (720/640*352 in your case) = 396 Filter Mode: Lanczos3 (for me it's the best. Probably also 'Precise Bicubic' is good, but I feel very fine with the Lanczos filter) 4) check 'expand frame and litterbox image' and set Frame Width: 720 (NTSC standard) Frame Height: 480 (NTSC standard; it would be 576, for PAL). By default it will be filled black, which is very fine. --> [OK] 5) Do File___Start Frameserver and save 'movie.vdr' as frameserver, keeping VirtualDub hidden in the system's tray. 6) Load movie.vdr instead of movie.avi with your favorite encoder (maybe you'll have to enter '*.*' or the 'movie.vdr' manually, if the application looks for a video file by default)
Even easier. Set (on advanced tab) source 1:1 VGA, keep aspect ratio 2. Set (on video tab) 720x480 4:3 display. Tmpgenc will letterbox it correctly.
Thanks for the help, guys. =) aldaco, I think your method will work, but I'd have to use 720x406 to get it into a 1.78 ratio (this is correct, right?). And rebootjim, I'm not sure that they will work for me, because the source file does have the correct AR (and I want to convert to a 16:9 DVD file).