tmpgenc author problem

Discussion in 'MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 encoding (AVI to DVD)' started by LyleG, Mar 5, 2006.

  1. LyleG

    LyleG Guest

    Dear guys,
    I am newbie so forgive me if this is stupid or common question. I am trying to convert mpg to dvd. I am using tmpgenc author. I select my mpg and the program lets me(gives me specs mpeg-1, 352 x240, 29.97fps, ntsc, 1151kbps.)
    I then go to the create menu. after naming the video, I click on the video to play it to see if everything is ok. The video skips and then at certain point just freezes. The mpg is perfectly fine when you play in BS player or any other regular player. This only happens when I use Tmpgenc. I converted and burned it anyway hoping it would work but alas the problem came out on the dvd.
    This has happened a couple of other times with other mpgs. At some point it would just freeze and not play anymore with Tmpgenc author. If you burn it the would obviously be the way it would be on the dvd. It is always the same point in the mpg, not random. Any clue about what is going on. I am pretty unfamilar with encoding and all that stuff but any information would be appreciated.
    Thanks in advance.

  2. dolphin2

    dolphin2 Guest

    Is this a mpg that you downloaded?

    Could be a GOP error in the file.
  3. LyleG

    LyleG Guest

    Yes. I actually tried a different program, ConvertXtoDVD and it actually worked. I am troubled that TMPGEenc author does not work. It also was two separate mpgs that had the same problem so I assume it is Tmpgenc. Any ideas to get this work. I like tmpgenc author.

  4. dolphin2

    dolphin2 Guest

    Since you like TMPGEnc Author, you could try running the files thru TMPGEnc MPEG Editor, XPress or Plus. Those programs would do the conversions and/or fix the errors. After that import the results into Author.

    BTW, try TSUNAMI-MPEG Author Pro. By the same company. Much better program.

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