hey. im trying to encode an AVI to PAL CBR Linear PCM Audio using TMPGEnc PLus 2.5. But when i get to the end just before it Starts encoding, it says: and i have also tried changing the audio format to CBR MPEG-1 Layer II Audio, but there is not sound when i play the file. Can anyone help please?
Well you should be useing "Mpeg-1 Layer-2" audio anyways because LPCM takes up Far too much Space and also the Reason why you are not getting any audio when encodeing is Probably because the audio in your AVI file is of a Format that Tmpgenc Doesn"t Support which is Probably "VBR MP3".... What you have to do to get Tmpgenc to Properly read the audio in your AVI file is to Decompress the audio in your AVI file before encodeing it to Mpeg in Tmpgenc.... You can decompress the audio in your AVI file by useing "Virtual-Dub", and this is how you do it... 1) run Virtual-Dub and then Load in your AVI file, (If the audio is VBR Mp3 youwill get a Message from V-Dub telling you that the audio is VBR).. 2) Now go to "Video" and set it to "Direct Stream Copy" and then go to "Audio" and set it to "Full Processing Mode".... 3) Now go to "File" to "Save as AVI" and Give the File a Name and save it... In a Few Minutes you will have a New AVI file that has Decompressed audio that you should not have any problems encodeing in Tmpgenc... I also have a Simple Tool that is used for Decompressing the audio in AVI files that is Much easier to use than V-Dub and is even a Bit more reliable, If you want to try this Tool then PM me with your e-mail address and I will send the Tool to you.... Cheers