TMPGEnc Question

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by 02004976, Sep 7, 2004.

  1. 02004976

    02004976 Member

    Jun 22, 2004
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    Hi, as i regular user of TMPGEnc to reconvert all of my DivX films back to DVD i have stumbled across a problem. Initially i used the trial version, but then decided that it was a worthwhile investment, and so now have got the full version of the program. However, this version is the version, and the problem lies in the wizard. Usually, i would select the CBR option from the drop down list, however with this version i get different versions of the CBR option, such as 2000kbps, 3000kpbs, and so am VERY confused into which option is the one for me. Any software available to tell me which one for which film, or is there a standard setting for all films. Any reply would be appreciated, all you people on here are the best. Cheers for any replys

  2. mrwyllie

    mrwyllie Guest

    I wouldn't use the wizard. First consideration is the resolution of the DivX, second is the format( pal or ntsc). Load one of the two DVD templates then load unloack in the extra folder. Third consideration is the bitrate, fourth is the encoding method.I'd recomend the default for the DVD template( maybe increasing the quality setting to 85). Try to keep the resolution, format and aspect as close to the original as possible. If you have lots of time use the 2 pass VBR. Lastly you could try various bitrates for the first minute or so ( just click stop) to see. Oh don't set the max bitrate to high or you'll get an out of standard DVD.
  3. Zenwarior

    Zenwarior Member

    Oct 14, 2003
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    Sorry no help here.

    Just a question.

    Are you referring to the Divx movies put out a few years ago by Circuit City? My friend has dozens of them and the machine but can not figure out how to use them.

    Any info on these Divx movies?

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