I just tried TMPGEnc to convert divx file to mpg in order to burn it usgin NERO I noticed that there where delays with the sound about a 2 second difference from the the actual can anyone help me how to fix the problem?
Did you Decompress the audio in the DiVx file before encodeing it to Mpeg with Tmpgenc??? And you have to make sure that you encode the AVI file to Mpeg useing the same frame rate as the AVI file...If you PM Me with your e-mail address I can send you a tool that will decompress the audio in your AVI file and you can Find out the Framerate of your AVI file by right clicking the file and going to "Properties" ,In most cases it will probably be 23.976fps in which case you would use the "NTSC Film" Template for makeing a VCD....Cheers