to all bank of america users

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by rdmercer1, Jan 6, 2007.

  1. rdmercer1

    rdmercer1 Active member

    Nov 11, 2004
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    well the pshifers are at it again, i got a e-mail from, bank of america (Dear Customer,

    Bank Of America Internet Banking, is here by announcing the New Security Upgrade.
    We've upgraded our new SSL servers to serve our customers for a better and
    secure banking service,against any fraudulent activities. Due to this recent upgrade,
    you are requested to update your account information by
    following the link below.

    click here

    We have asked few additional information which is going to be the
    part of secure login process. These additional information will be
    asked during your future login security so, please provide all these
    info completely and correctly otherwise due to security reasons we
    may have to close your account temporarily.

    Thank you for being a valued Bank of America client.
    Security Advisor
    Bank of America)
    , well the funny thing is i don't use b,o,a, so this is a heads up on what's going on, also by the way i sent a e-mail to the fraud dept for b,o,a,
  2. The_Fiend

    The_Fiend Guest

    Probably a bunch of Russian script kiddies, judging by the spelling and grammar...
  3. hayden58

    hayden58 Regular member

    Jan 1, 2007
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    thank you very much for reporting that to B of A fraud. i used to work for B of A (when it was MBNA) and we had those things going on all teh time. man it causes alot of problems. example: older people barely computer literate, get an email, and fill it all out. geez.
  4. pantsfire

    pantsfire Member

    Apr 28, 2006
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    So sad, why are people such jerks. It's funny too because I was about to set up my online banking with BOA today, but I think I'll wait a little bit. I'm really skeptical about doing anything related to banking over the internet.

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