Hi, I have a slideshow thats about 10 minutes of pictures, a bit of video and music accompanying it. I used premiere to render and export it to .avi format. Whats the best way now to burn it to a dvd? do i just burn directly using nero or should i use tmpgenc first? Thanks for such a newbie question.
Nerovision Express will do what you want as mystic E suggessted. It will also allow you to create a working menu for your DVD with wonderful results. It only comes with Nero Ultra 6 and you must download update packs 1 & 2 found at the nero homepage under updates.
thanks for all the reply. I am just confused as to using NVE - do i just burn it one shot or using Tmpengc and then buring via Nero Burning ROM. Which one would be better? does it make a lot of difference? What if i have 2 video (avi) files. Does it mean i burn twice or do i need to gather all of them in a menu first then burn. Sorry for the newbie questions.
Nve will do it all including the burn. No need to use another prog. You can combine files as long as they don't go over the 4.3g limit. You create your chapters and your menu AFTER you add your files. It then has a preview software remote control to view your finished work before you burn. If something is wrong or it's not to your satisfaction you can go back and change it. Play around in the menu section, it has some very cool features. You can import pics or use running backgrounds, etc.