Hello, i have been a member here for a while now, but i havn't accumulated that many posts (before i became a member i was reading these forums for more than a year) - So when i went to reply in another thread that was relevant to this topic i couldnt because im a 'newbie' (thread more than 60 days old) - So i have started a new one. The question is: I just purchased a 5G 80GB Ipod Video and was wondering if there is a way to not charge the ipod when it is plugged in to the usb port? Here is why: - It damages the cells in the battery and reduces the life expectancey if you are continuously plugging and unplugging the the ipod to transfer files etc. It is reccomended, not just fot the ipod, but any battery powered items (Mobiles, Laptops PDA's etc) that you run the battery pretty much dead before you charge it again.. So is there an answer to my question or am i forced to wait until the battery is allmost dead or low? Cheers.
I don't think there is any way to turn off that charging, but you really only have to wait to not charge the iPod for the first battery cycle, and then what your charging schedule is becomes more or less irrelevant.
Ok, well from what i have gathered you get dead cells in the battery if you continuously undercharge it. EG haveing 20% left and then charging it, those 20% will eventually wear/die. Im only cautious because i know that the ipod has had battery problems. Cheers
I doesn't really have battery problems per say, it just gets used a lot and many people are very critical of it. For some reason cell phones don't get the same attention...
Im quite cautious with my mobile phone, and my laptop its just that the batteries are a lot cheaper and easier to replace, mobile phones/laptops were made to be opened, the ipod's weren't.. Oh well, ill just have to wait till the battery is dead..
If you're under warranty, Apple replaces them after they no longer hold a charge for half of their original battery life.
i have an ipod mini, and a full charge takes about 4 hours... is that how long the battery life lasts??
It all depends on how you use it and what settings you have on. EG, not uning the equilizer will give you longer battery life.. Check the apple website for battery times. Cheers
I didn't think it made a difference with the iPod because they had Lithium Ion batteries or something like that.
That is correct. This is an old idea with NiMH batter that had what is called memory and if you continually charged the batter before it died , then it would developed a short battery life so you had to let it fully cycle every time. most ipod battery issues come from extreme temperature issues, people leaving them in a hot car ect ect.
It does NOT make a noticible differance in the ipod's battery. It takes years to slowly work down the ipod's battery. And battery and most ipod problems in general come form droping it, or leaving it in the extremes of weather condition. By the time you start seeing problems with your ipod's battery is when the ipod is broken...
I wouldn't stress of it, you can buy and replace your ipods battery for about $15, every 2 years is about when you should do it!
Yes... Only if you are under warrenty! I have opened my 80GB iPod several time... I dropped it and there was this huge dent it it, and it dented the hard drive also... so I cracked it open and straghitened the back with a Hammer so Apple wouldn't know i droped it! It worked I got a new one!