in order to get on zwinky you have to downlad some bullcrap programs (sponsors i guess) so is there any way of tricking it to make it think i have already downloaded the programs?
Just for the heck of it I ran the EUlA from the Zwinky website through EULAlyzer. This is what it reported as "bad"... Advertising: 2 counts reporting adverstising in the program Pop-Ups: 2 counts of the word "pop-up" in the EULA Privacy: 8 accounts were the word privacy is brought up. This caught my eye... As a side not most of the flagged sentences do not say "we respect your privacy" or "this program will not invade your privacy" most of the sentences deal with the programs installed along with the Zwinky stuff. Promotional Advertsing: 2 counts of promotional advertsing Third Party: 4 counts of a 3rd party being involved. This would be the spyware/add deliverign companies most likely.