What's the general consesus, if their is one, regarding id3 tags, or just using the filename tab under EAC options for naming? Pros and cons.
just let EAC get the CD title and tracks off of the freedb, then automatically create the tags for you. Its much easier for cataloging and keeping track of albums.
djscoop, that is what I figured, but every single manual I read suggested turning off the id3 tags and creating your own with the filename tab or through the command line. Even more confused.
You can create them manually by filename if you want, but I don't see the logic in it. Any major CD will have the tags for it, and you can retreive them for free. Or you could to both: have the freedb create the tags, than edit them they way you want in something like tag&rename. I guess its really up to you, but I've ripped hundreds of CDs with EAC, while letting it tag the mp3s itself, and I've never had any problems. Where have you read not to use the tags?