Base on your experience of playing games on original xbox, I want you list your top 10 games in the whole list of games that you have played. This is NOT base on the webs or people. It is base on all the games that you have played. List 10 or less games that you like to play best. The purpose to share with others which good games they miss out. The games, which are post a lot, are top games. My list is: [bold]Shooting[/bold] Halo “1 & 2” Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance Tom Clancy's Splinter “Pandora Tomorrow & Chaos Theory” [bold]RPG[/bold] Fable Ninja Gaiden “red and black” Sudeki [bold]Racing[/bold] Forza Motorsport Project Gotham Racing 2 [bold]Sports[/bold] DOA Xtreme Beach Volleyball Karaoke Revolution & Karaoke Revolution Party
my top ten are 1.burnout:revenge 2.need for speed:most wanted 3.halo 2 4.soul calibre 2 streetz vol:2 6.snk vs capcom EQ:2 7.dead or alive 3 8.midnight club 3 9.tony hawks under ground 2 10.tony hawks american waste land
in no real order 1. Halo 1 & 2 2. Need For Speed Most Wanted 3. Half-Life 2 4. Farcry Instincts 5. Call Of Duty- Big Red One 6. Doom 3 7. Prince Of Pursia- The Two Thrones 8. Project Gotham Racing 2 9. Colin McRae Rally 2005 10. MX VS ATV Unleashed
1. Halo 2. Splinter Cell 3. Fifa 06 4. Pro Evolution Soccer 5 5. Grand Theft Auto San Andreas 6. SC 3: Chaos Theory 7. Halo 2 8. THUG 2 9. Any PGR 10. Ghost Recon
My top 10 are: 1. Halo 1 (xb) 2. Halo 2 (xb) 3. Forza Motorsport (xb) 4. Call of Duty 2 (xb) 5. Fable the Lost Chapters (xb) 6. Grand Theft Auto San Andreas (xb) 7. MX Vs ATV Unleashed (xb) 8. Midnight Club 3 DUB Ed. (xb) 9. Need for Speed Most Wanted (xb) 10. Gran Turismo 4 (ps2) These are in no specific order
i havent had an xbox for very long, but so far my fav game is star wars: knights of the old republic II the games i own are... 1. halo (not begun) 2. halo2 (not begun) 3. doom3 (completed) 4. star wars: republic commando (completed) 5. star wars: knights of the old republic II (12-18 hours in) 6. fable (not begun) 7. star wars: clone wars/ tetris (not begun) i also have a ps2, gamecube, and super nes. i like the excusives on the xbox, but i have no idea what my fav system is.. however i am looking forward to the ps3
Black is a great game. It is only my top ten now. Shooting Halo “1 & 2” Black Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance Tom Clancy's Splinter “Pandora Tomorrow & Chaos Theory” RPG Fable Ninja Gaiden “red and black” Racing Forza Motorsport Project Gotham Racing 2 Sports DOA Xtreme Beach Volleyball Karaoke Revolution & Karaoke Revolution Party
Top Ten are as follows: Halo 2 Nba Live(any year i'm a b-ball freak) Madden 06' Fight night round 3 Def Jam fight for NY Kelly Slater's pro surfer X-men Legends 2 Burnout Revenge UFC Tapout 2 GTA San Andreas
1.halo 2.fable 3.gta:vice city 4.gta:san andreas 5.splinter cell pandora tommorow 6.counter strike 7.crimson skies 8.halo 2 9.midnightclub 3 10.mechassult
my fave 10 games are: 1.Halo 2(xbox) 2.Farcry Instinctsredator(xbox 360) 3.Half-Life 2(xbox) 4.Robocop 3(SNES) 5.Jade Empire(xbox) 6.NFS:Most Wanted(xbox) 7.Mertoid Prime 2: Echoes(Game Cube) 8.Metroid Prime:Hunters(Nintendo DS) 9.50 Cent:Bullet Proof(xbox) 10.Midnight Club 3UB Edition & Midnight Club 3UB Edition REMIX(xbox)
1.Halo 2 2.Half-Life 2 3.Doom 3 4.Battle Field 2 MC 5.Ninja Gaiden 6.oddWorld Stranger Wrath(very unrated) 7.Far Cry 8.Call of Duty 9.SplinterCell 3 10.Marvel vs capcom 2(my favorite game ever)
okay i would have to say 1.Fable: the lost chapters 2. halo 2 3. need for speed most wanted 4. farcry instincts 5. conker live and reloaded 6. elder scrolls III: game of the year edition 7. timesplitters: future perfect 8. the matrix: path of neo 9. counter-strike 10. nhl 2k6
[bold]FPS[/bold] 1. Halo 1&2 2. Ghost recon (all) 3. Counter strike 4. Perfect dark Zero 5. Doom 3 [bold]RPG[/bold] 1. FFXV 2. Oblivion [bold]RACING[/bold] 1. PGR 1,2,&3 2. NFS mostwanted [bold]SPORTS[/bold] 1. NCAA 06 2. Madden 06 3. NCAA college MVP