Torrent error

Discussion in 'CD-R' started by Erivera89, Jul 19, 2007.

  1. Erivera89

    Erivera89 Member

    Nov 16, 2006
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    I downloaded a torrent and the file came as an .iso i mounted it to a cd and then tried with a dvd using daemon tools and after the game was done updating to the latest version it asked to put the disk in. Does anybody know how to fix this???

    p.s. it recognized that the disk was mounted with an .iso but after i tried running it is when it would ask for the disk. i have no clue what i'm doing!!!
  2. onya

    onya Guest

    We don't need to know where you got certain files, we are happy knowing you have certain files. Please edit your post before the Mods step in.

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