Hi! Well, clueless as I am, here is my predicament... I have a Toshiba SD-R5272 & loads of Verbatim DVD+R. Verbatim cover says its up to 16x, is 4.7GB/Go DATA & 120 min video. They don't work. I've used up all my Imation DVD-Rs burning from the same drive but it just won't do anything with the Verbatims. I've checked the Toshiba site & this particular drive should be -/+ so I'm just wondering why it doesn't want to work with my Verbatims. I'm doing a lot of recording for my almost 3 year old daughter & this hiccup just bums me out. Help anyone?
hi, your burner is old, the latest firmware for it is version 1031 from here - http://forum.rpc1.org/dl_firmware.php?download_id=1782 however it's dated March 2004 so you'll probably be restricted to using older speed discs as the firmware may be current enough to cope with/recognise newer discs
Hey creaky, thanks for the reply! So you're saying, I'm supposed to download the latest firmware but that still won't let me use my Verbatims?
your burner may already be at that version, but it's still possible the discs are too new for the firmware to understand/recognise