I have a NEC DVD+R Drive, i wish to use it to copy Ps2 games as well as burn original dvds. Which software do i need. I already have blank DVD+R discs. Also can i copy any ps2 game and is everygame now on dvd. Thanks
you want sonic dx you can do ps1 ps2 xbox from disc to disc for back up copys also dvds i can sent it to u with instructions if u whant email me at jb014q6461@blueyonder.co.uk
For backing up DVDs you'll need software to decrypt the movie (Sonic DX won't) then you'll need to compress the DVD to fit a blank disc (Sonic DX won't). One the best freeware app for this is DVD Shrink. Here're some links to great guides: http://www.afterdawn.com/guides/archive/dvd9_to_dvdr_with_dvd_shrink.cfm http://dvdshrink.info/ For PS2 questions I'd suggest checking out our PS2 forums.
Neph, 1st time I've seen a link provided so you can reprimand them from the link, pretty good. laughing@Tenn.com