Two questions: Which is the easiest way to concatenate music files? Which is the easiest way to concatenate mp3 files? Background: I am using a software that allows me to "Play" photos on a DVD player while playing either a MP3 or WAV file, (also recorded on the same CD). The software only accepts one music file and around 100 photos which take approximately 15 - 20 minutes to play (This is also a parameter to fix, U can fix, during the creation process, the number of seconds each photo is shown, and after that it cannot change). Most songs lasts 2 - 4 minutes long and even the most beautiful song u can imagine (Whatever that is) becomes unpleasant when played four to six times, continuously.
there are free audio editors like Krystal and Audacity, and other non-free ones like Sound Forge and Adobe Audition, with which you can combine multiple audio files into one single file. that should help with your concatenating issues
Thanks, tried both, Audacy is easier thay krystal, for the concatenation issue, from my point of view of course, worked just fine.
no prob. never tried either one, but heard good things about them. I have the luxury of using Pro Tools