Tracking or Focus error

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by sassymom, Mar 3, 2004.

  1. sassymom

    sassymom Member

    Mar 3, 2004
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    I searched, honest I did, and this was asked in early 2003, but no one had an here goes..

    Why do I get an error stating...
    Focus or Tracking Error

    I went and bought new DVD+r's and am going to retry(got fuji this time)I'm using DVD Shrink and Nero 6 was it the blank media I had probably the issue, or something else? (and I apologize, I'm computer illiterate so if you answer, can you try like you're talking to grandma or a 5 year old? LOL) Thanks

    Ok, one more thing, I have Nero Express 5.5, and Nero 6.3.03 demo(from here) do i wish to use the 6.3.03 and remove the 5.5? UGH, sorry, I just HATE not being able to back up these DVDs and watch them get scratched from my kids, I really wish I could accomplish this and let them scratch the copies(saving what, 18 bucks a movie? LOL)
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2004
  2. sassymom

    sassymom Member

    Mar 3, 2004
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    Thought this line would help, if not, at least I'm trying to be helpful! LOL Tell me what you SMART people need! LOL

    #20 DVDR -1039 File Writer.cpp, Line 333
    Focus or tracking error
  3. drchips

    drchips Active member

    Nov 29, 2003
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    Original line from Original post
    Greetings, O Sassymom.

    Never before hath a question come to our lowly selves from nearly 200 years in the future, WOW!!!

    Perchance, thou hast an archaic computer rescued from the Museum Clearance Sale and it causes thee much vexation of the spirit.

    We at the dawn of the 21st Century understand thy confusion when faced with the Horrors of Technology.

    But Faith! we are a robust lot, we early humans, and are skilled in the Art Of PCs.

    Thus far we have survived the Information Revolution; though the Great Dictator MICROSOFT (Gates be his name) has us in his power and the CORPORATIONS are trying to beat us down, still we strive to master the Black Arts (Internet, Email, the Burning of the Holy DVDs, the curse of the dreaded SPAM).

    I am a Techie of the DVD Arts, and it is my pleasure to offer you some comfort and aid in your quest for enlightenment.

    The Magical Burning of the Holy DVD and that pinnacle of devotion, the Back-Up that Works in the Sacred Player is a thing of Wonder, the incantations must be exact - for many are the demands of the Lord of the Burning, he whose High Priests are called "Nero" and "RecordNow".

    His demands are thus:

    1 - Thou shalt only use COMPATIBLE media, incompatability is the Path To Failure

    2 - Thou shalt only use QUALITY media, cheap'n'nasty is an abomination

    3 - Thy Burner shall have an IDE channel for itself, and be supplied with the needful data by DMA, for the lowly PIO is not worthy of service

    4 - Thy Windows shall be stable, lest Errors do manifest (cursed be the crash, the Blue Screen Of Death and the Re-Start)

    5 - If "Nero" be thy Priest of Burning, thou shalt Honour him with ASPI, for he demands it

    If thou meeteth these demands, thou art on the One True Path.

    If thou should wander from the Path, the Lord of The Burning shall give thee a sign...

    The sign He has Given you expresses his displeasure at the poor matching of Media and Drive, the disk is not to the taste of the Drive.

    It may be that the Drive is aged, and hath aquired particular tastes, or the Drive may be failing in its Duty to Burning, though it may continue to read the Holy Texts, it may be unable to write them...

    It may be that the Drive is Righteous and the error be thine - for the feeding of lowly Disks to the Burner is not to be accepted.

    Long is the Path to True Enlightenment and Blessing by the Lord of The Burning, and I, His humble acolyte do beg of you to reveal to me the Name of thy Chosen Burner, and furthermore, the Name of His Chosen Priest (be it "Nero" or "RecordNow" or one of His Lesser Priests of Burning).

    With these Names, I shall be able to conjure an Incantation for thee, in which shall be the names of the Disks that would bring much pleasure to His Chosen Burner.

    I await thy word.

    In Faith,
    _X_X_X_X_X_[small]Life is just more of the same:[/small]
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2004
  4. sassymom

    sassymom Member

    Mar 3, 2004
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    ACK, I thought I fixed the year typo fast enough! LOL Guess not, you are quick! LOL Alright, I am using Nero, my DVD writer is Atapi DVD+RW 4x4x12, I switched to Fuji media(DVD+R 4x 4.7 GB) and restarted the burn using the new disks, it's a 81% and so far so good, my fear is to do ANYTHING on the system(actually it's my hubby's, I'm typing from my own!) so as not to use any resources. I'll get the "specs" as soon as either this fails to burn, or works! LOL I scrolled through more recent newbie posts and tried the IMGTool and that wouldn't even load, updated Nero 5.5 today, and just used the DVD Shrink with the Nero burn immediately(don't know if it uses the Nero6.3.03 demo or the 5.5 yadda yadda .56 express)but it's now at 90% so I'm crossing my crossables!

    The computers are regulalry upgraded with RAM HDD and even motherboards and CPUs so it can't be TOO aged, however it has been awhile(under a year I think)so you'll soon be laughing me off the internet at my dinosaur! LOL(Hey, he was deployed, I install the hardware only, don't know a thing about software OR what the hardware is, just the mechanical manipulations of plugging in boards and such!LOL) Most of what you typed was foreign to me! LOL

    I'll be back soon with an update!
  5. sassymom

    sassymom Member

    Mar 3, 2004
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    This should be a nice change for you! LOL IT WORKED!

    It finished burning and I popped it into my regular DVD player(the one hooked up to the TV, lol) and made sure the menus and effects and such worked as well as the movie, plus the quality really is not compromised(that I can tell, but I'm no graphics artist or critic!LOL) It was Lion King 1 1/2, and now my kids have a copy that won't make me shiver if they scratch it! LOL
    I'll do my best to answer your other questions as asked ...

    1 - Thou shalt only use COMPATIBLE media, incompatability is the Path To Failure {the media WAS DVD+R, I made sure of that!}

    2 - Thou shalt only use QUALITY media, cheap'n'nasty is an abomination {alright it was some crud that came with my burner I think, who knows, who cares, this was the issue as far as I can tell, I'm SO GLAD I picked up a 50 pack of these Fuji's on sale, they seemed to be a liked one I was reading after teh fact!LOL}

    3 - Thy Burner shall have an IDE channel for itself, and be supplied with the needful data by DMA, for the lowly PIO is not worthy of service {Ok, here's me sitting in the middle of the lake in a canoe with no oars, WHAT???? I have NO CLUE and wouldn't know how to find out!LOL}

    4 - Thy Windows shall be stable, lest Errors do manifest (cursed be the crash, the Blue Screen Of Death and the Re-Start) Windows XP home, and it's never crashed, even though I've been known to crash systems!LOL}

    5 - If "Nero" be thy Priest of Burning, thou shalt Honour him with ASPI, for he demands it {You're talking another language, I'm using Nero, but I only had to click a button or 2 to make it work!}

    If thou meeteth these demands, thou art on the One True Path. {I may have stumbled onto the path accidentally, but I am not getting off it now! LOL}
  6. drchips

    drchips Active member

    Nov 29, 2003
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    Glad you managed to complete that burn..

    Quality media is a Good Idea(tm), so many problems are caused by Crap(tm) Media...

    Remember the Golden Rules of Burning when you next have a problem...

    Have Fun...
  7. herbsman

    herbsman Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 3, 2002
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    lmfao @ language used in this thread ...

    Again , comic-book hero [bold]DrChips[/bold] saves the day !! ; )
  8. sassymom

    sassymom Member

    Mar 3, 2004
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    I am so grateful for a forum like this, especially the patience you all have with us "newbies" asking such simple questions over and over it must get redundant, but you still managed to make me smile and laugh! I've gotten a couple backed up now, and it's keeping my sanity as I see them laying down out of cases or on the floor(darn kids, who let them near DVDs anyway?LOL) We have over 300 DVDs, but the kids don't touch any but Disney, and I don't think replacing them will make me a happy mom! Dr Chips saved the day, and my collection! LOL He's going to be so happy I need to go to a different forum for my video capture device though, lol, all these home movies need to get off VHS, ROFL, too bad I can't drag him with me! lol

    THANK YOU SO MUCH! The DVD Shrink has really been a breeze to use, and yes, MEDIA QUALITY is tantamount!(but isn't it good I had a bad one first time, so i could find this forum and learn?LOL)


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