ok i need help im trying to transfer mods from my CPU to my XBOX im usin my modem to transfer them and i want to use internet explorer to transfer them my modem has multipal imputs on the back so it will work to transfer but i cant get it to connect ne help?????? AIM = MiseryArrival
well the back of my modem has 4 inputs for ethernet cables i can run 4 Xbox`s on live and my internet at the same time is there like ne dual ethernet adapters to plug into my CPU
yah seriously dont mod on live thats dumb the only reason ppl cheat is because they usally suk u get good by playing Custom games like MLG Here if u wanna get good send me a freind request Gamertags= Miseryarrival, Jigsaw48 BTW- Matchmaking is horrible, nobody in there is good that is y i only play customs