transfering pix from camera to PC

Discussion in 'Digital photography' started by mviesca, Apr 16, 2007.

  1. mviesca

    mviesca Member

    Dec 30, 2005
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    My dad gave me a sony cybershot dsc-P71 camera and i just took it to canada with me. I took A LOT of pictures. Now that i got home..i tried to transfer them and it doesn't work. My dad forgot to give me the software that comes with the camera. But to my understanding you don't need just need the drivers.I went to control panel>add hardware>and then i picked the sony dsc(which had an exclamation point next to it) it said that the problem with this was that it needed the drivers... I went to the cybershot website and downloaded the drivers. then i got to the same step again and it still said the same thing...but it went started installing software...then it said cyclic redundancy what do i do now? i got this from THE actual sony website so i dont think the drivers i downloaded were the wizard even seeing the drivers that i downloaded?

    help please
  2. mglez86

    mglez86 Guest

    try this:
    right click my pc -> properties -> hardware -> there's an option about devices but i don't remember how it would say in english so just click that option maebe device manager -> look for hardware changes -> select the one with the exclamation mark and click on update driver -> follow the steps so that you tell it where the downloaded driver is

    i am not being too specific cause i am at school and i don't have access to everything, but that should give you the idea
  3. rulisky

    rulisky Regular member

    Apr 26, 2006
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    I checked an online review for your camera. It comes with a 16mb memory stick.

    Here is a really simple solution for you and not very expensive. I recently added a USB 2.0 Internal Card Reader (Rosewill) to my system. It accepts 52 different cards and memory sticks which allows you to simply treat your memory stick as a floppy disk; what could be easier? The drive fits into a 3.5 inch bay and plugs into a usb slot on your motherboard. Super easy and slick. It even comes with a USB slot. Some models even have a 3.5 inch floppy drive included. Driver disk is included, but NOT required if you are using Win XP. XP just picks it up after you reboot.

    Mine cost 10 bucks plus shipping off Newegg. Some models are less, the one with the 3.5 floppy included is like 20 bucks.

    Here's a link to some "Top Sellers"
  4. mviesca

    mviesca Member

    Dec 30, 2005
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    yea i think thats wat im gonna do..thanks for all ur help!
  5. tfrost200

    tfrost200 Member

    Oct 4, 2005
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    Along this line. I have an old digital camera and do not hove software for downloading teh pictures from the camera, also do not know the brand of the camera (it was cheap). I have pictures on the camera I would like to extract from the camera. Are there any free programs which will extract the pics?

    Thank you in advance for any help you may render.
  6. rulisky

    rulisky Regular member

    Apr 26, 2006
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    Does the camera have removeable media? Like a CF, SD, Memory stick, etc. If so, get a Card Reader like recommended to the original poster. You can get internal or external (via USB plugin) models cheap.

    If the media can't be physically removed from the camera, look for the port using a cable to pc connection. You might need to buy a cable/adaptor. Check online or in person at a Good camera shop. No idea on pricing here. Plugging the camera into the pc should/might start the download pictures wizard on Windows.

    If all else fails ... get a newer camera and hold onto the accessories.
  7. tfrost200

    tfrost200 Member

    Oct 4, 2005
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    Thank you.

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