transfering save from memory card.

Discussion in 'Xbox - Software discussion' started by richks, Dec 27, 2005.

  1. richks

    richks Member

    Feb 15, 2005
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    I'm trying to softmod a new XBox. I have a copy of Mechassult. I have downloaded the softmod save for MA. I have plugged a memory card into a modded XBox and transferred the save to the Memory card via FTP. I can view the save file from the memory manager in the dashboard on either XBox.

    I take this card an plug it into the new, unmodded XBox. I go into the memory manager and can browse to the card and see the save on there. I can select the save and it gives me one option only, which is to delete the save. There is no option to copy the save to the hard drive, and no option to move it to the hard drive, just the option to delete the save. No other options at all.

    How do I get this save to the XBox hard drive?
  2. philmccan

    philmccan Guest

    Ok I made this insanly easy mistake my self. When you view the game save on your xbox you should see 2 circle type icons that are the same use your controller and pick the left smaller icon. after you high light that one hit the A button and you should have more options. Let me know if that works or if you need more explaination. Good luck.
  3. richks

    richks Member

    Feb 15, 2005
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    Sorted. You're a star, have a house point and go to the top of the class!

    Seriously, what an awful interface!

    Cheers again.

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