Transferring video from laptop Firewire to Pioneer DVD Recorder

Discussion in 'DVD recorders' started by genie_dvd, Jan 22, 2005.

  1. genie_dvd

    genie_dvd Member

    Dec 25, 2004
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    I want to send a stream out from my Firewire port on my laptop, to the DV-in on my Pioneer 3100 standalone DVD recorder.

    I have tried Windows Movie Maker 2, which detects the Pioneer and thinks its a DV camera, however, it gets stuck at a point where it says "There is no tape in your DV camera, please insert a tape" and I can't go any further.

    Can anyone suggest how I progress from here?

    Or suggest any other program which may be suitable for this task?

    Has anyone got this working already?
  2. booker_

    booker_ Guest

    that is a nice idea!
    but i think the dv is designed specifically to control a dv camcorder with some protocols i dont remember so that must be a waist of time!
    nice try although!

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