i came accross a trick question on a tv show that i thought id ask you guys and girls.if the weather is 0 degrees today and its gonna be half of that tomorrow what will the temperature be?????
grandma your wrong but there is one correct answer come on smart people someone out there should be able to get it.
Its Grand[bold]pa[/bold], not grandma, and if thats the answer that was on the show then its right. It also makes sense, 0 degrees C=32 degrees F, 32/2=16 degrees F. So 16 is the answer. BTW xboxdevil, did you relize your xbox has more processor power and ram that your PC...now thats funny!
ok that one answer not the one i was looking for grandpa as for C in to F i think its more like devided by 1.6 not 2.as for my xbox it has more processor power but less ram as 64mbs is less than 96mbs.i use the xbox to play games and computer to surf the net and burn cds.
well, let's see: absolute zero is theorized to be approximately -459.67 degrees F, -273.15 degrees C, or 0 K. now, let's use C for our calculations, as it's the most common way of measuring temp. 273.15 / 2 = 136.58 K, which is -136.58 degress C.
Oh, for crying out loud, JUST GIVE US THE ANSWER ! *sorry about that, but the suspense is killing me*
ok when you say the weather is 0 degrees are you reffering to temperature ? because then u switch it up and ask what the temperature will be ! your confusing me as your switching the subject. if your refering to the same subject(tempertature) in both instances why refrase the subject ? weather...temperature...why not say the temperature is 0 degrees ..it will be half of that tomorrow.what will the temperature be. why even bother to say weather ? answer me this and ill give you your answer
Actually, I am not wrong. BTW, I haven't been back to the Tupac thread. Did you ever post some proof? (Grandma, just doing a little trolling. )