I've got an Xecuter 2.6 with modified bios can't remember which one though (probably the wrong one). I've had XBMC working on it for a while and today I thought i'd put in a bigger harddrive, so I put in an 80gb turn it on with chip enabled I get red & green lights, Mod chip off xbox needs servicing. I then put the original drive back in mod chip on red & green lights, chip off I get to the xbox dash so theres no way to run the evox cd. So would it be that the bios I have does not support swapping and have I completely fubared my xbox.
No, you chip and bios should be ok. Did you switch to an empty bank on Xecuter 2.6? Maybe Xecuter 2.6 get loose. Check D0 wire. Xbox should turn back on with the old hdd.
I've just checked the D0 wire and its still in and i tried and empty bank, the lights are on on the chip and the front panel. I did take the wire out of the switch panel on the front then realized I didn't need to and put it back in again it could be something wrong with that.
You have the evox cd. Just load it up to see if it has format option. DO NOT format your hdd. Just look around. In other hand, what do you in the Evox cd?
hmm everything seems in tight and it doesn't work but if apply a bit of pressure to the top of the chip it works so i'm gonna try and find something to wedge between the chip and the cd rom so theres constant pressure on it.