I have a trojan on my myspace. Ever time I go there, my mcAfee pops up and says it can not clean,delete or quarentine. I have to verify that file is not write protected. File name is sqltrack[1].js. It says something about SpaceStalker. I have tried everything and can't get rid of it. Please help me somebody, I am going crazy trying to figure out this thing.
doesn't make much sense. is this happening only while on myspace? if so, is it a particular space i.e. yours or tom's? if not, it may be a false positive
I got this same thing this morning while logged into MySpace. It was sqltrack[1].js, said nothing about SpaceStalker though. My antivirus program said it could not block or delete it. This is my first experience with a virus, if that is what it is. McAfee scan shows no problems and my system seems to be running just fine. Comments anyone? I did a search for sqltrack[1].js and this site came up.
It only happens when I go onto mine. My dad went onto my myspace and his antivirus got rid of it before anything happened. My computer seems to be running fine. Any suggestions anybody?
I contacted MySpace, we will see if they respond. Maybe you should contact them also, so they know this is going around.
@jeffro833: what scanner "fixed" this problem? i dont see how this has been solved but if its done, i guess its done. @itzzbarb: what scanner is picking this up?
McAfee is the antivirus program that tried to block and delete the file. It told me it was unable to block it and unable to delete it, yet I can't find the file on my computer. I went to Syantec's web site and did a search, an old sqlxxxxx came up, an old worm, but is not the exact file name that was given to me this morning in the pop up box from MAF
I haven't fixed it yet and I'm not sure what my dad used, I think he has mcafee too though. Here is what it says as soon as I log into my page. Trojan Found The file C:\Documents and Settings\HP_Administrator\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\19MT2UGD is infected by the JS/SpaceStalk trojan and cannot be cleaned. Then when I try to delet it this comes up---- File: sqltrack[1].js Trojan Name: JS/SpaceStalk File path: C:\Documents and Settings\HP_Administrator\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\19MT2UGD Verify that the file is not write-protected and try again.
I have not gotten anything saying it is a Trojan. In fact, I have not had any notifications since the original warning and I have been back to MySpace several times. I have been checking Symantec, McAfee, PC Magazine, and internet virus lists and have found NOTHING about this "thing". Don't you just hate it when that happens?
thats the info i need! the both of you delete your cookies and temp internet files. this could just be a cookie that replaces itself once you go back on your myspace. check with mcafee and see what happens. if nothing, then the above is true. as to how you get rid of it on your space. i'd delete all your html and start again :S it may also be a comment some spammer left? so delete all your spam comments frist. if the comments or html doesn't work, then you may need to get a new space.soz to bring the bad news if thats the case :S
I did clean out my cookies and temp internet files this morning after I got that message......maybe that is why I have not "heard" from it again. Thanks for your help.