Can someone help me. When I burn with derypter it has slowed down to a crawl even when I just read and write. I also get a error message after shrink uploads the files to decrypter to start burning it will start and then say access is denied abort retry or ingnore. I have to click ignore and it will begin burning but the speed has slowed way down. Can someone help?
<2>Why is my drive running so slow now? More than likely your DMA settings have reverted to PIO mode CD-ROM and DVD-ROM drives can revert to using PIO mode, despite being set to use "DMA if Available." Here's how to make Windows XP redetect the DMA capabilities of the drives. DMA Settings
I tried the instructions to check my DMA mode and I did not have the options that are listed in the instructions and I do have windows xp
dip2000 : do not double post again please (using different title doesnt make it okay) XP is a nightmare if read errors occur on a disk , because it reverts to PIO only mode ... usually keep uninstalling it & installing until it goes back to DMA on (worked for me one time).
I wasnt trying to double post I realized I had clicked the wrong option and I wanted to stay in the first thread I started. What do I uninstall windows XP?
In device manager if you looked at the guide, you do have the IDE controllers right? If so just delete them and re-start windows.
I will try this today last night the intial instructions you sent wouldnt open so I didnt have directions to get there and I couldnt remember how.
BBmayo's guide will work but heres another way to get to the device manager Open the Control Panel then do what the pics show NOTE:you might only have 2 IDE controllers
Start/Control Panel/Administrative tools/Computer Management/Device Manager .. right click on the IDE controller for said drive & choose uninstall