Trouble burning dual layer disks

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by mutt, Jul 31, 2004.

  1. mutt

    mutt Guest

    Having recently purchased a DL burner I raced home and attempted to burn a new , uncompressed disk ( much needed when you have a 152 cm / 60 inch LCD rear pro ). Well to this date (7 Days Later ) I still have only been able to burn 1 ( my very 1st ) dvd. Have got latest dvd shrink copy and have enabled dvd-9. still no joy . Have downloaded latest update to nero - , and guess what still no joy . My burner is a LG GSA-4120B . Am I a complete ninny or am I missing the plot here????? Hsave successfully burnt dvd-5 disks on this burner . Can anybody please help as I am totally confused and frustrated. Oh , am using Verbatim DVD+r DL disks - (very expensive coasters indeed)
  2. colw

    colw Active member

    Apr 25, 2004
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    With dual layer you do not really need to use Shrink - have you tried ripping and burning with DVD Decrypter as an alternative??

    Have not and will not try D/L until the media is well tested and affordable - $15 coasters very scary - almost a carton of beer wasted.
  3. Nephilim

    Nephilim Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 13, 2003
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  4. mutt

    mutt Guest

    Thanx Nephilim am downloading latest firmware now , but after reading warnings am tentative to use it. Can I get it seriously wrong and bung up the whole deal??
    As a newbie this is all over whelming as I thought if these drives were readily available on the general market that they were just as easy to use as any other pc related equipement.
    Have noticed on drive instructions that DVD+r should burn in sequentilrecording , one of the errors I have experienced is a disk-at-once error , is sequential recording selectable or does nero try and choose this itself??

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