I don't know what I did wrong, but I tryed encoding an avi into an mpeg, the first time I tryed, it kept on saying "Invalid Pointer Operation" , I got around this problem by putting "Directshow Multimedia File Reader" under +1 priority...It encoded fine, but now when I'm trying to burn it with nero, it doesnt actually burn, but instead says that its encoding it with nero???? This file is an mpeg not an avi...Did I do something wrong while encoding it with tmpgenc?
General invalid pointer operations are the result of: 1.) an error in the input file. Meaning the MPG or whatever wasn't encoded correctly in the first place, so, when loaded, the software loaded data that wasn't compliant and the it couldn't process it. 2.) an error in one of the hard drive files that runs the program that returned that error. This could mean anything from a bug in the program to a hard disk error to a Windows conflict. Sorry I can't be of more help; amybe someone else can. But, to me, trying to track down that kind of error, if it isn't caused by #1, is like trying to debug a RUNDLL exception. Have you been able to convert other files? Files of the same type? Files of different types? If so, then, you can pretty much rule that the problem lies with #1, the source file.
Well, as I said if it's that one file, it's probably an error in the file. Bad encoding or something. So, most likely, you can't fix it. You could try to use another app and convert it to the same or a different supported file type. But, you run the same risk that the converting app won't load it right either.