Trouble getting a different dash on Xbox

Discussion in 'Xbox - Backup discussion' started by reign360, Jan 12, 2009.

  1. reign360

    reign360 Member

    Mar 29, 2007
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    Whats up guys. This should probably be a simple fix, but I'm having trouble with it.

    I can lock/unlock my drive with no problem. I can get into the MS dash with no problem. I have quite a few different dashes (xbmc, evox, unleash) on my Xbox 'E' drive, however I cant seem to activate them correctly. I've tried taking their default.xbe files and dumping them into C, but thats not working wither....I get an Error 13.

    Ive tried burning Slayer's on numerous dvd's and cd-r's however the xbox wont read them and I'm running out of media ;)

    I used Xplorer 360 and, from what I see, Partition 3 is the C drive and Partition 4 is the E drive. I completely rebuilt the C drive and although I left my E drive with my older stuff on it, I've added the default E drive files to overwrite the ones that were there. My E drive is full of the other dashes but how can I access them through the MS Dash? Also, can I FTP to the Xbox while its on the MS Dash? I would be able to work and experiment much better if I could just connect to it.....I have no game DVD/CD to use as all of my backups are on the HD.

    One more thing.....when this is all setup correctly, can one of you guys tell me what is the process I would need to use to transfer the 15 or so legally backed up games on my old hard drive to the new one? Its about 50 GB and I dont have the space on my PC to dump it there so I'd have to use some other kind of file transferring method. Any ideas?

    Sorry guys but ONE more thing :-\

    I know the Thomson dvd drive are known for not being able to read well....can i take a different dvd drive and just replace the Thomson? This way I will probably be able to load the Slayers disc and then thats it. Will that work?
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2009
  2. al1en2

    al1en2 Member

    May 27, 2008
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    download auto installer disc 4.30 or higher this should let you install alternate dash boards and clone your old hard drive

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