I'm having some trouble making my roms work. The emulator launches (surreal64 i think) but it doesn't find any games. I did update the file that tells it where to find the Roms...
I'm assuming you put your files on the F drive. If so, I had the same problem with Surreal. I did somehow get past this problem but I can't quite remember exactly what I did. I know I redirected the location of the roms in both "Surreal.ini" and "ultra.ini". But the problem is a bit more than that. I think what I did was run a rom from the original location "E:\Emulators\Surreal\Roms" and selected the save state option. This created a game save that, once I switched the rom locations back, could be loaded again. Whenever I put Surreal on another xbox I copy this game save over and everything works fine. I messed around with this problem for a few days so I don't know exactly what else you need to do. If you have any more questions just keep 'em coming.
That's dependent on where your Surreal default.xbe is located, usually either E:\Emulators\Surreal or F:\Emulators\Surreal. Which means that you would put the roms in the folder that is titled "Roms" (E:\Emulotors\Surreal\Roms or F:\...).