I have been using ANYDVD for awhile just downloaded CLONE DVD2 tried to use clone dvd mode when it burnt movie just burnt small aerea and was unable to read in player Thanks
You have two of the most regarded programs availble. Tell us what brand and type of media blanks you are using, and the speed at which your burning at. Are you trying to read the DVD in the PC or on a standalone player? Also HOW are you going about backing up your DVD's. Perhaps you can outline your steps one by one. All info will help.
when you say you just downloaded CloneDVD2...... does this mean you are using pirated, cracked software??? if so expect the unexpected! And it's fawned upon using pirated software! Don't come here and ask questions about why the software doesn't work properly if it's pirated. If you do have a legitimate AnyDVD and CloneDVD2 programs bought from Slysoft.com then the people at Slysoft want to know why it's not working for you! These programs are the most successful programs out there that are used to copy DVD movies from your collection. So, if there is a problem and you found a bug then please not only ask for help here but also send word to Slysoft.com to help them make these programs even better!
Evenin' Ivan, I was kinda hoping that piracy was at least a non event in this case. (I must be getting soft) We'll see how it pans out eh? PS: Nice to "see" you BTW. It's been a while. Cheers to all.
I've been very busy but I always come online every now and then! can't seem to get enough time for my fav place .... afterdawn. ;-)
They are not pirated got both from sly soft, anydvd awhile back have been using shrink with it, have had some bad burns with it. I have been reading forums seen most use anydvd and dvdclone together. I am just trying the clone demo right now before i buy it want to make sure i can. The whay i tried to burn them was put origanal in dvd reader on computer,the one to write to in dvd writer, it whent all through its process but when finished it was only written on for about half inch from center. I have been using sony dvdrs