I have a sony DRU- 510 I am using dvd shrink 2.3 as well. Anyways when I try to burn a dvd and I click nero express no dvdrw is founf it only shows that I can copy cd's? Please help!!!!! my email adress is aribears@yaho.com or post here thank you so much
You have to choose cd or dvd in nero 1st when you open it. When using shrink you shouldn't even have to open nero, in shrink go to edit > preferences > file I/O > and check enable burn with nero. It will now burn automatically. You have an old version of nero, I would download Nero Ultra 6, complete audio and video package, and I mean for everything. You can use it each and every month for the entire month til you buy(must reload it every month). Make sure you DL update packs 1,2 and 4 for ultra 6. Do NOT DL 3(InCD), causes headaches. One final note, do not list your email address, put it in a PM if you wish. Good luck...
hi, it does not offer dvd or cd only cdrw. That is the problem. I have deleted the cd drive to let it reinstall it shows it as a sony dvdrw cdrw however when I get ready to burn it does not offer dvdrw only the default cdrw. Thanks again
AHHHH.....I see you are using the wrong version of shrink, you need to get 3.2( I saw 2.3 and got dislexic). You are way behind, the new shrink is vastly improved especially with the new quality settings. You can get DVDShrink 3.2 here in AD, there is also several guides for it. Holler back if you have any questions. Be sure to remove all of the old shrink before downloading the new one.
hi, i have a problem like that too with NERO, I can back up my kids ps2 games with no problem so far, but when I tryed to make a back up of a dvd movie (jimmie neutron) I couldnt, it said that its protected, what can i do? I was gonna download the decrypter but when I saw the desclimer I got scared, all I want to do its back up games and movies, its safe to download decrypter tho? i live in the USA, and I dont know what to do, thx in advance
Nero recode will encode, edit, compress, and burn, it will not rip-you must use an app like decrypter to rip to your HD, then use those files in recode. Your other alternative is to use Anydvd, which will allow recode to open the movie. Anydvd runs in the background, nothing to do what so ever, it runs all by itself. Anydvd has a 30 day trial, then it costs 39.00-well worth it. This type of backup is called "on the fly", it doesn't use your HD other than a temporary file which you delete when finished. Shrink rips, encodes, compresses, and edits, but it won't burn. It needs nero or decrypter to burn. You can set shrink to automatically burn with Nero without ever opening nero or to auto burn with decrypter. With either method you must make a purchase-Nero/anydvd or shrink/nero. The only free method is shrink/decrypter or nero recode/decrypter. Shrink to rip,edit,compress, encode, and decrypter to burn. Decrypter to rip, then nero to encode, compress, edit and burn. Does this make it clearer? _ _X_X_X_X_X_[small] [bold]GO VOLS![/bold]..Dell Media4600, XP,Pentium 4 @2.80GHz/800Mz,512MB,280HDw/8MB,17" flat panel,AIO-A920,8xDVD-ROM,integrated 5.1 audio, HPdc4000,PlextorPX-708UF,LiteOn SOHW 832S dual layer[/small]
Hi, I have nero, when i set shrink to burn with nero and i choose back up do i send it to the hard drive or to the the icon showing the disc?
You must choose both. The top choice(with the little disc beside it) is to send it to your HD to burn later, or to your burner to autoburn now, or to choose decrypter to burn now with an ISO image. The second choice(with the little folder beside it) is where shrink does it's work out of, or your temporary folder. I just created a folder on my HD called "shrink temp folder."You then hit the browse button and choose your new folder. When shrink is done burning a screen will come up where you go to this folder, open it, and delete all files so it's ready for the next time. You will never have to choose this folder again, shrink will remember. Here is a little quickie shrink guide I wrote that should get you on your way 1-open shrink 2-click on open disc 3-wait for shrink to analyze(about a minute) and the new screen will come up 4-here you can go into extras by cilicking on the + mark. 5-You can change compression on each or substitue still image for each until done. Each can be previewed in the preview window below. 5a- you can raise compresssion or substitute a still image on all extras at once before you hit the + mark if so desired. By using the still image you maintain a working menu. 6-if you only want the movie and don't care about a menu, hit re-author, when screen comes up click and drag anything from the right side to the left side that you want to keep and then you will go to set up the analyze and burn features. 7-To set up burn w/nero click on edit > preferences > fileI/O > enable burn with nero 8-hit backup 9-under target device choose either file to your HD, your burner, or iso image file and burn with decrypter 10-choose your temporary folder 11- under quality settings(Iuse this if it's over 10% compression,you must make your own choices here, this will take much longer, but is worth every minute!)check deep analysis and adaptive error compensation 12-hit OK and come back to a finished DVD, leave your PC alone, do not do anything on it while performing backup. No multitasking _X_X_X_X_X_[small] [bold]GO VOLS![/bold]..Dell Media4600, XP,Pentium 4 @2.80GHz/800Mz,512MB,280HDw/8MB,17" flat panel,AIO-A920,8xDVD-ROM,integrated 5.1 audio, HPdc4000,PlextorPX-708UF,LiteOn SOHW 832S dual layer[/small]
hi, Still did not work, uder tagert devise it did not show my burner, only hd and iso image file so i saved to hd, nero did not auto burn
If it didn't show your burner then your PC isn't picking up your burner's drive for DVD. You may have to update your burner. Nero can't auto burn if there is no burner for nero to go to. _X_X_X_X_X_[small] [bold]GO VOLS![/bold]..Dell Media4600, XP,Pentium 4 @2.80GHz/800Mz,512MB,280HDw/8MB,17" flat panel,AIO-A920,8xDVD-ROM,integrated 5.1 audio, HPdc4000,PlextorPX-708UF,LiteOn SOHW 832S dual layer[/small]
is there another software I could download and and use with shrink. I am starting to think my dvd burner doesnot want to work with it. Also someone said somethign about checking jumpers? what is that
you can rip with decrypter and use nero's recode to do what shrink does, but that isn't your problem. It's not shrink, you already said nero express would only recognize cd not DVD. the problem lies somewhere to do with your burner.
Hi, called sony, they were no help there is no updates for my burner. also when I click my D drive and click properties it does not list any type of cd device is that normal
do you think there is some type of error with nero and my dvd burner think maybe a different burning sooftware may work?
There can't be an error with nero, and an error with shrink, and an error with.......etc. It's not the software, it's somewhere else. Here are some common problems concerning burning: 1) Is your burners firmware up to date? 2) Is your ide settings set to DMA? 3) Have you installed an apsi layer? 4) And, are you doing anything else on your pc while trying to burn?
Hi, there are no new firmware updates, and no I am using the computer only for burning dvd's. i am not sure what you are talking about on number 2 and 3