Trouble With Xbox

Discussion in 'Xbox - Backup discussion' started by viny_boy, Dec 7, 2006.

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  1. viny_boy

    viny_boy Guest

    I have a Xbox and the programs craxtion and flash fxp i want transfer a game i have to my xbox how would i do that my router is hooked up also my xbox is also modded Ii thy to transfer it it is in my xbox but i cannot play it it does show up on my xbox file explorer i have unleash so can some one help me
  2. steimy

    steimy Active member

    Dec 2, 2004
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    need more information.
    1. the file you want to transfer, is it an ISO file or a folder full of game files?
    2. do you have an FTP connection set up and working?
    3. are you FTP'ing the game into the correct folder?
    4. UnleashX has a file that tells the dashboard where to look for the games. If the path is not correct it will not see them but i would think that the file browser on the dashboard should still show it if you look in the corrct folder.
  3. viny_boy

    viny_boy Guest

    I go to the F folder and into games and the files say px-supr.nfo, px-supr.r00, supr.r01, supr.r02, supr.r03, px-supr.r04, px-supr.r05, px-supr.r06, px-supr.r07, px-supr.r08, px-supr.r09, px-supr.r10, px-supr.r11, px-supr.r12, px-supr.r13, px-supr.r14, px-supr.r15, px-supr.r16, px-supr.r17, px-supr.rar, px-supr.sfv, and px-supr.iso
  4. viny_boy

    viny_boy Guest

    I use Craxtion and its says misssin xbe files
  5. steimy

    steimy Active member

    Dec 2, 2004
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    the files you transfered are not the game files, it is obvious by those names that you downloaded it.
    The problem is that downloaded games are compressed files and you did not uncompress them. One of the actual game files is an XBE file which is the same as an EXE (executable) file on the PC. It is the main file that runs the game.

    Get and install a program called Winrar
    then go to the folder on your PC where those files are at (i hope you kept them, if not you need to FTP them all back to the PC)
    make a new folder on your PC with the game name
    then go to the folder with all those files and right click the mouse on this file "px-supr.r00" and in the drop down menu there is an option for extract (not extract here!)
    Then it will pop up a box and you want to browse and choose the folder you just made and hit ok so it starts extracting. This will take about 20 minutes.
    after it is done you will have one of 2 things.

    1. you will have an ISO file, this you can either burn to a disc and then play from there. Of you can take that disc and get DVD2Xbox and put that on your Xbox in the apps folder. With DVD2Xbox it can copy the game strait from a disc to your hard drive into F:/games

    2. you can use craxtion4, and use that to take the ISO file and extract it. you can extract it to a folder on your PC then FTP that whole folder full of files to the Xbox. I think Craxtion even has the option to extract it directly to your Xbox hard drive if you set up the Xbox connection in cration like you did with your FTP program.

    3. if you get a folder full of game files then you just FTP the whole folder into the Xbox games folder.

    Phew! ok i hope that helps.
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2006
  6. viny_boy

    viny_boy Guest

    Thanx very much it work thank you very much u are much apreshated
  7. viny_boy

    viny_boy Guest

    I am Having more trouble with my xbox i am tring to transfer another game the way you told me but it isnt popin up but when i go to file explorer it says DATA and DEFAULT.XBE the files int he folder r px-jlh.nfo px-jlh.r00- px-jlh.r74 and it says px-jlh.rar and px-jlh.sfv px-jlh.r00- px-jlh.r29 and px-jlh.rar are winwar's what do i do now
  8. viny_boy

    viny_boy Guest

    I am Having more trouble with my xbox i am tring to transfer another game the way you told me but it isnt popin up but when i go to file explorer it doesnt have no folder name it says DATA and DEFAULT.XBE. The files in the folder I downloaded are px-jlh.nfo, px-jlh.r00 through px-jlh.r74 and it says px-jlh.rar and px-jlh.sfv. px-jlh.r00 through px-jlh.r29 and px-jlh.rar are winwar's what do i do now

  9. jombee

    jombee Member

    Dec 10, 2006
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    You have to extract the files with winrar first.

    If you double click the px-jlh.rar file, the winrar program should pop up and show you SOMETHING. Where something would be the name of the game you have.
    I usually extract it to the root of my hard drive (E:\) but you can put it anywhere you want, just don't forget where you did put it.
    Open up your XISO extraction tool, some use craxion, I prefer CXboxtool. use whatever you like.
    Extract the SOMETHING.iso to a folder of your choice.
    I keep all my games in a single directory. but once again what you do is up to you.

    When that is done extracting you can FTP the game directory over to your xbox.
    if you don't know where to put it on your xbox, that's a different thread entirely.
  10. viny_boy

    viny_boy Guest

    I got the game in my xbox but the concern now is that i put the game (Justice League Heroes)In the new game i downloaded then the game you first told me how to put in (Superman) isnt there no more what is the problem? I tried to FxP it back in then Justice League Heroes deleted why is that and how can i put both of the games in the xbox in at the same time what i am tring to say is that once i put a game in my xbox then but anther in my xbox the first game i put in erases for the second game i wanna know how to put both games in.
  11. jombee

    jombee Member

    Dec 10, 2006
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    putting one game on the xbox should not overwrite anything else you have on there.
    where are you putting the files? (E:\, E:\Games, F:\, F:\games etc...)
  12. steimy

    steimy Active member

    Dec 2, 2004
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    i agree, it should not copy over your existing game unless
    you are trying to put the new game in the same folder as
    the one already there.
    Each one would of course need to have it's own game folder
    on the Xbox.
    Like under F:/games you would have 2 folders
    Justice League Heros and Superman
    and it also depends how big the game is. The stock hard drive
    only has about 8GB of space. Soy if both games are over
    4GB it will cause you problems.
  13. jombee

    jombee Member

    Dec 10, 2006
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    alrighty, lets take this one tiny step at a time.
    when you first connect to your Xbox, you should see
    or a reasonable facsimile. (D: or C:\ or /C)
    Something like this.
    what are you doing once you have reached this point.
    Until we pinpoint where you are going wrong you're just going to continue to have a bad time with this.
  14. steimy

    steimy Active member

    Dec 2, 2004
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    well it will be one of two places


    you will want them in the one that shows the most available space
    Mine is set up to use the F: partition but that is just
    how it was done when it was first modded.
    and you should not be putting 2 games in one folder
    Like if you have E:/game/Marvel do not take another game and put it there just put it in E:/games so it has it's own folder like
  15. viny_boy

    viny_boy Guest

    I got it i know what i did wrong i did not make folders for them but it doesnt matter i think my hard drive is dieing because every new game i out in my xbox always freezes for some reason like when i mistakingly deleted superman i redownloaded to my xbox and it says the disc is dirty or damage it has been doing to most of my games so i might ass well get a 360 and mod it
  16. steimy

    steimy Active member

    Dec 2, 2004
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    or just spend about $50 and have your Xbox fixed.
    You can get a DuoX2 or other mod chip installed
    Then it will be a snap to install a bigger, better hard drive.
    And then use an auto installer disc like Slayer 2.7 to format
    it and put a ton of great stuff on the xbox.

  17. viny_boy

    viny_boy Guest

    but i have enough to buy a 360 and i know how to mod it i would get better games and better graphics than the xbox
  18. htklassen

    htklassen Guest

    Okay for people who have a xbox game on a disk and want to download it to your xbox this is a step by step process!

    1) Go to Launch Menu
    2) Click on APPS or Applications
    3) Click on DVD2XBOX or DVD PLAYER 1
    4) Put in the xbox game
    5) After you put it in wait for 15-30 seconds
    6) Click "A" on the controller
    7) Go down to F:/Games/
    8) Click "START" on the controller

    After about 5-40 minutes you should have your game onto your xbox!
  19. steimy

    steimy Active member

    Dec 2, 2004
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    there are far more games for Xbox than the 360.
    And as of yet most of the games for the 360 are barely
    better than what is out for Xbox as far as graphics.
    They want you to beleive it is much better so you will buy it,
    but just watch the 360 special on G4 TV on the show Xplay.
    Only one game on each next gen console even got a decent reveiw.
    (Gears Of War-360 and Resistance Fall Of Man- PS3)

    When the game developers can catch up with technology and actually use the system to its full potential then yes, it will be a
    great system with games that have more content and better graphics.
    But right now it is a highly overprices Xbox/HD-DVD player.
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2006
  20. Tabzy

    Tabzy Guest

    steimy, i'm obviously bit new to all this xbox backup malarky :p things i know how to do... connect pc to xbox through crossover cable and ftp client, copy an original xbox game,.. now what i cant figure out is how to get a downloaded xbox game to burn and 'work'.

    what i've done so far, downloaded need for speed carbon, extracted it to a new folder (winRAR). opened the new folder and there alone was an ISO file (px-nfsc) so i thought ok simple, jus burn that ISO to dvd disc (dvd-r)finished burning ok, no problems. put it in a hard modded xbox and i get 'no disc' at top right hand corner of screen....

    any idea what am doin wrong if anythin?

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