Troubles Burning With Various Brands of Media

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by RailAce, Dec 20, 2006.

  1. RailAce

    RailAce Guest

    I have been burning DVD's regularly now for about a year with little or no trouble thanks to help offered here, but now I have a new problem.
    I have a Celeron 2.4G with 512 RAM runnin WinXP. I have a DL Memorex DVD burner, connected via USB.

    Here is my problem

    I usually use Sony blank DVD-R/+R for my personal collection. I saw a deal on some generic DVD's and jumped at it. I came home, used 2 of them fine, and went thru 7 more with this error
    " The semaphore time period has expired " or something like that while using DVD Decrypter

    So, thinking I had poor media, I went out and bought some Memorex DVD-R from Staples which were on sale. Came home, same error.

    Undaunted, I tried burning the same movie " High School Musical " on my Sony DVD+R with no problem. Burned just fine. It even burns fine on my Sony DVD+RW.

    My question is this: Is there something I am doing wrong, or is my burner just fussy and only seems to work with selected media?

    Any help would be great


  2. PacMan777

    PacMan777 Regular member

    Jun 11, 2013
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    Working with one brand of media and not another indicates a media compatibility problem. About the only thing you can do is check to see if your burner has a firmware update and flash it if it does. Even then that's no guaranty. Some drives will just not burn some media. That's why it's best to find media that works well and stick to it. Sony is a good brand. Usually the +R is manufactured by either TY or Sony (both good). Also, the +R (including +R DL) is the only format that can be booktyped to DVD ROM for increased player compatibility.
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2006
  3. RailAce

    RailAce Guest

    I did actually update the firmware from the Memorex website. I know the Sony discs work well, as does an Optodisc brand. I guess one option I have with these discs is to get a second burner to see if they work on it. I thought about using these Memorex discs for burning data, but I assume if they get hung up with Decrypter, they will also hang on any other software. I even tried burning at the slowest speed (1x) with no luck. Oh well, I guess I'll have to get some more Sony DVD's. Thank for your input.

    Anyone else with ideas?
  4. gwendolin

    gwendolin Senior member

    Jun 29, 2005
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    Memorex are possibly the worst discs you can use, Optodisc is not too far behind either, stick with Sony or Verbatim and burn at around 4X
  5. JoeRyan

    JoeRyan Active member

    Dec 2, 2003
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    I suspect that the discs that work are 16X DVD+R discs and the ones that don't are 16X DVD-R. If the drive is an older DL drive, the full support for all DVD-R 16X media may not yet be available. DVD-R was later to 16X than DVD+R was, and even the latest firmware may not allow all 16X media to work properly. What firmware version did you use for the update?
  6. PacMan777

    PacMan777 Regular member

    Jun 11, 2013
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    Some firmware never gets updated to do all media. Most will work with the good working brands such as Sony, TY, Verbatim and the like. So go with Gwendolin's advice and use the good stuff. I had a Memorex made by Pioneer that would write to almost anything (no DL). It was an old 4X from back when. Its still in a PC another family member has. Lately I've not tried experimenting with different discs in my newer drives. Nobody will give me the discs to try out. LOL So, I stick with what what works. Trying to save with cheap, lower quality, dvds can cause having dvds that don't work, not a bargain. Sometimes the dvds aren't worse, but just not compatible with a particular drive. Buying a drive hoping it will burn a certain media can be even worse. You could end up with 2 drives that won't burn the media in qestion. I'd try before buying in that situation or I wouldn't buy.
  7. RailAce

    RailAce Guest

    Gwendolyn, thank you. I will stick with my Sony discs, and will look into Verbatim. I have also heard that Ridata are good too.

    JoeRyan, I am using the most recent firmware update directly from the Memorex website ( JW56 )
    I was offered a suggestion to try burning with Nero Express, and had no luck either. I guess I just have 2 dead spindles.

    Thanks for your help. I welcome any other ideas

  8. PacMan777

    PacMan777 Regular member

    Jun 11, 2013
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    Nero is a good set of programs, but it won't make the DVDs more compatible. That's more the firmware and the condition of the drive. If the drive is in good condition, the optical head is clean and the firmware is up to date, then the media is the problem (especially since everything works with your Sonys). Sometimes you can record data on discs where you can't video. Sometimes you can't even do that. Give one a try on the data. Just another coaster. Did you ask the store if they would take them back since they won't work? Some stores will and some won't. The problem is if you send them to Memorex on the guaranty, you get memorex back.
  9. JoeRyan

    JoeRyan Active member

    Dec 2, 2003
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    If you have JWS6 firmware, that drive is a rebadged Lite-on SOHW-1673S. That particular firmware is not compatible with DVD-R 16X media with the MID code CMC MAG.AM3. It allows extremely low errors until the end of the disc when PIE errors begin to increase significantly. There are a number of options:
    1) Ask Memorex to replace the discs with DVD+R discs that are compatible.
    2) Ask Memorex to replace the discs with DVD-R 16X discs with the MID code RITEKF1, which was compatible with firmware version JWS5 and should remain compatible with JWS6.
    3) Ask Memorex about a firmware update for the SOHW-1673S that turns it into the equivalent of a SOHW-1693S that adds 4X DVD-R DL writing capability. Lite-on has issued it.
    4) Record at 8X, 6X, or 4X since the increase in errors is related to increasing recording speed and inaccurate power settings at the faster speeds.

    PacMan777 is correct: Nero Express uses the same recording engine as regular Nero and won't make a difference. This is another case where there is a known firmware incompatibility too quickly blamed on poor quality discs.
  10. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    again, far easier to just use known good discs instead of worrying about Memorex's problems, surely that's not what people should do ??? (once all the causes have been looked into)
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2006
  11. PacMan777

    PacMan777 Regular member

    Jun 11, 2013
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    The later comments were in response to that.

    As Gwendolin and Creaky agreed, the future solution is use what you know works. But that still leaves the 2 spindles.
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2006
  12. RailAce

    RailAce Guest

    Hi all,
    Well I borrowed some Ridata discs from a fellow burner and they got hung up too with the 'semephore' error.
    I am beginning to wonder if it is my burner?????
    It's about 1.5 yrs old, and I have not burned a ton on it. Maybe 100 discs on it in that time period.
    Thanks for your advice. I'll keep ya posted.

  13. PacMan777

    PacMan777 Regular member

    Jun 11, 2013
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    Somebody correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't a semaphore error a timeout because the drive is having a problem transferring the data. It may well be the DVDs, but sometimes it's the USB interface that adds to the problem. If you don't have problems with the Sonys stick to them and don't worry about it.
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2006
  14. RailAce

    RailAce Guest

    I thought about that, so maybe I'll move my USB cable to a different port. At this point, I'll try anything.
    I'm going to purchase a new burner anyway. Figure there is nothing wrong with havin 2 burners, since I have an open USB port anyway.
    With the amount of burning I do, and having friends that want copies, havin 2 will save me time.

    In any event, I'm off to Northern Ontario for Christmas. I want to wish all of you that offered some help to me here best wishes for the season, and we'll chat again soon when I get back.


  15. PacMan777

    PacMan777 Regular member

    Jun 11, 2013
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    If you're lucky it will be a faulty connection. USB being slower than an internal drive effects some software and drives. It may have been DVD Decrypter, I can't remember for sure, that had semaphore time outs with some external drives. Not even all external drives, which made it difficult to diagnose. A list of drives it wouldn't work with was made to help online troubleshooting. With your burner having problems burning to some discs it may be that along with the USB connection causing the semaphore error. A combination of things. If you're getting a new burner, I'd advise getting an internal one next time. The interface is faster and eliminates some of the bottlenect with the slower USB. That is if you've got space. No idea if you're using a laptop or what. We've neglected to ask what kind of PC you're using. If it's got the older USB, that could add to the problem. Still you're burning Sony's, so it sounds more like the dodgy DVDs are more trouble than the hardware.
  16. RailAce

    RailAce Guest

    Hi all,
    PacMan, I am using a Dell Dimension 2400 (2.4G) runnin WinXP with 512 MB Ram, and am running my Memorex DVD burner off USB 2.0

    So here I am, I went out and bought an LG 16x DVD Lightscribe burner (external). The reason I go external is because my computer is still covered under warranty and I won't pay Dell's outrageous prices for hardware.
    My new burner works just fine, burning my RetailPlus and Memorex DVD's just fine, even faster than the old one.
    Soooooo, I think my burner was just getting tired and was fussin over my Sony's. I'll keep using it with my Sony's until it dies altogether.

    Thanks for all your help, but I think I have solved my problems.


  17. PacMan777

    PacMan777 Regular member

    Jun 11, 2013
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    Dell didn't invalidate my warranty for putting in a new internal DVD burner. Then I didn't supply the info. The OEM CDRW I had was Samsung, a brand we can pick up retail. I developed a faulty modem later on and they replaced it. I don't see much difference between hooking up a drive USB and plugging one onto a cable going to the mobo. One connector is inside and the other outside. My Dell even had the easy open case to make things easier. If you had to call in a Dell repairman or send the PC in, you could always remove the internal drive if that worries you. Dell let me make my own repairs. Did you ask Dell if it would invalidate your warranty if you installed a new drive or had one installed by a licensed repairman?

    Just curious. Glad to see you have your problem resolved, whether firmware, the optical head or whatever the issues are with the old drive. The new drive burns to your satisfaction and that's what counts.
    Last edited: Dec 27, 2006
  18. RailAce

    RailAce Guest

    As fate would have it, I had a problem with my CD ROM drive, and after numerous calls to Dell I was awaiting a replacement under warranty. As such, they already knew that I had a CD ROM and CD Burner in the PC. Therefore I could not ask for anything but a replacement, and to make matters worse, they require me to ship back the old one.

    So, I now have my new CD ROM installed, my burner as well, and my 2 external DVD burners, my old Memorex and my new LG.

    Like u said, as long as it works out in the end, that is what counts. When my Memorex dies, I will still have my LG and will replace if needed.


  19. Mort81

    Mort81 Senior member

    Jun 10, 2004
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    Here is what I would do to your memorex drive. Since it is a rebadged lite-on SOHW-1673S, I would crossflash it with one of these patched firmwares.

    KS0B - patched - crossflashing (for 1673S, etc.)
    • KS0B - patched - crossflashing - fast burn FBD/FBDX (for 1673S, etc.)
    • KC4B - patched - improved +/-R burn quality (for 1673S, 1693S, Sony 800A, etc.)

    You can find them here under SOHW-1693S. This will allow you to use the lite-on SOHW-1693S f/w and even change the identity of your drive to a lite-on SOHW-1693S (superior f/w and more updates). Note: doing this will void the warranty of your drive but what have you got to lose. Memorex is piss poor with f/w updates.

    I agree with PacMan777 about using an internal drive over an external if you have an open drive bay. Adding an internal drive should have no affect on the warranty of your pc.

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