Trusted Computing (TC)

Discussion in 'Windows - General discussion' started by SRH22, Dec 5, 2006.

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  1. SRH22

    SRH22 Regular member

    Oct 10, 2006
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    I have discovered an issue that I think everyone needs to become aware of. It is called "trusted computing" and if you google it, you'll find all the info you need on the subject.

    Now, from what I have researched, It is already being implemented into the 'next-gen' computer systems and the reason I suspect that apple changed over to Intel processors in order to conform.

    Seeing as how it can't be stopped, is there any way to tell if a processor has a TMP (trusted platform module) built in to it? and if so, how?

    I know that Vista supports TC and that you have to have a software component and a hardware component installed in order for TC to take effect.

    Anyone who can shed more light on this topic is welcomed to do so.
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