i need help, i've installed nero 8 when i purchased a new drive for burning. now all that happens is a message pops up like 4 times. the message is [this program requires the file advrcntr2.dll ] i used the forum to identify the problem and was directed to purchase PC MEdKIT which costs 20$ and didnt work.i have uninstalled and reinstalled. then i just went back to my old nero and still the error remains and now i can't even make a cd or view pics w/out that box popping up help
here's some information about that .dll http://pcsupport.about.com/od/findbyerrormessage/a/advrcntr2dll.htm
thank you for your link. i followed the steps and it actaully worked. now i have another problem if yo could help me out w/ that it's another error. this one pops up every time i turn on my computer. If you can't help me thanks any how. the error is 'Error Loading dll32'
Does the PC operate normally otherwise? Can you get to the internet ok? (obviously if it's this PC you are posting from then that isn't relevant). Did your Anti virus program remove a threat recently and the error is subsequent to that time? Does the error message mention which module it cannot locate?