Trying to back up a DVD *&* having trouble with bad run first time. Need to dump old compression temp files *&* don't know how

Discussion in 'Nero discussion' started by bobdoe, Oct 21, 2005.

  1. bobdoe

    bobdoe Member

    Sep 28, 2005
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    I am trying to BACK up one of my DVD movies. I have been able to do many of my others, but this one movie that I was trying to do ran into trouble. It keep shutting down the program now. I use DEFAB *&* rip the files *&* then transfur them over to nero.

    You know when nero runs the compression test, the one that takes about 1 minute. It runs trought the whole movie *&* sizes it to fit. Well even after coping a few other movies after deleting each one I load another *&* do the same.

    Well the thing is, when I re rip the trouble DVD *&* import the video files NERO don't do that RUN trough again. Which I think is where my trouble is. I NEED it to re do the compression, yet I can't seem to find where it is being stored. I think if I can get it to do that 1 minute test again I can get my back up done.

    Again I can still back up others, as I'm doing right now still waiting. Just having trouble with this one that got interupted during the first attempt.

    Can someone tell me HOW to get it to do this again?
  2. loveya

    loveya Guest

    I'm not sure if I can help but I'll try. I'm not quite sure what you are saying. (It's probably not your fault, it's just my stupidity) Try to create a place where you can store all the movies stuff. Like mine, I create a folder name "Back-up DVD" in "My Documents" and stores everything that I backed up in it. I recommend using DVD Shrink (freeware) with nero to do this kind of job. It's really easy to operate.

    To clean up temp. files use Disk Cleanup (XP: Start-all programs-accessories-system tools-disk cleanup) or CCleaner (freeware) clean out a lot of craps. Explain and can be DL here:
  3. bobdoe

    bobdoe Member

    Sep 28, 2005
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    I havn't a problem with burning or shrinking for say. What the trouble is in recoder 2 when you import the video__TS files. nero jumps into analyizing the files *&* it like plays the movie in super fast forward. OK here is what I am thinking *&* NOT seeing when I try &^& re import those VIDEO_TS files, it is not doing the analyizing *&* I think I need it to. If I can get it to redo that I think it will burn then. It seems as when I re import the VIDEO_TS files it just drops them straight in *&* never runs the analyizing, like it has a temp file from doing it from before or something. I need to find where they are so I can delete then *&* force it to reanalizing.
  4. bobdoe

    bobdoe Member

    Sep 28, 2005
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    Someone here has to know where nero recoder keeps it's already anaylized imports. I noticed any of the ones that I copied today, it is not doing the anaylizing part when you first import the VIDEO_TS files.

    There is a temp file somewhere or files with any copies that I have already did once, or like a cache. CAN SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME on where this might be kept?
  5. loveya

    loveya Guest

    I think it doesn't cache. It analyze everytime you try to rip the DVD. Although I use shrink as a ripping and resizing then use Nero to burn the DVD. I had problem with a DVD last time and everytime I tried to rip it to the Hd it analyzes evertime before ripping. This is all I know. I'm sorry. Be on the lookout for someone smarter then me passing by.

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