Trying to backup game to Xbox's HDD

Discussion in 'Xbox - Backup discussion' started by Yamurru, Oct 31, 2007.

  1. Yamurru

    Yamurru Guest

    Hey guys,

    I have a quick question. I recently installed a 320GB Western Digital HDD in my Xbox (Big thanks to chunkhead) and have been copying my games to the hard drive as usual.

    All of my other games work excellent but for some reason the game "Destroy all Humans" hangs at the loading screen if I try to play it from the HD, and will not boot up at all...?

    I bought the game used but it looks like it is in pretty good condition, so I don't think the DVD drive (Hitachi) is having problems reading it. And the drive is in very good condition. Also I can play the game from the disc with no problem.

    So after all that (sorry for the long description) my question is: Is there some games that just don't work when playing off the HD?

    Any help or answers will be greatly appreciated! Thanks Guys and have a ghoulish Halloween!

    Note: The xbox itself is soft-modded using Mech Assault and this tut by chunkhead: and I'm using the UnleashX dashboard.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 31, 2007
  2. chunkhead

    chunkhead Regular member

    Oct 20, 2006
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    Some games don't play off the HDD as you described, there is sometimes a patch available to combat it.

    Firstly though, empty the contents of E:\Cache on the Xbox HDD. This is normally the main cause of HDD game issues!
  3. Yamurru

    Yamurru Guest


    thank you for the suggestion, I deleted the cache on E: but the game still won't load :(

    Oh'well I can still play it off of the disc. Playing games off of the HDD has spoiled me! LOL

    Thanks again!
  4. chunkhead

    chunkhead Regular member

    Oct 20, 2006
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    You could try different programs to transfer the game!?
  5. steimy

    steimy Active member

    Dec 2, 2004
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    what game or games specifically are you asking about? Because i did not have any games out of about 150 of them that i could not play from the hard drive. It was a problem with my PS2 but not for my Xbox.
  6. Yamurru

    Yamurru Guest

    The only game that doesn't work for me is "Destroy all Humans" the first one. It is weird, every other game works great for me accept that one. Like I said it will go to the black screen that says: "Loading Destroy all Humans!" and then it just hangs there :(

    To chunkhead...what other app/program would you suggest for getting the game on the hard drive? I am willing to try anything!

    This will probably sound stupid but, I even tried ripping the ISO (using Craxtion 4) and then burning it back to a DVD and then putting it back on the hard drive...same deal, it would just hang at the loading screen.


    Well I just tried putting "Destroy all Humans 2" the second one and that will not load off of the hard drive either!?! Very strange. Those are the only THQ games I have and neither work from the HDD.

    Dang it!!

    --------------- I hooked up a different Xbox I have that is also soft modded but only has the stock 8GB HDD. This Xbox was soft modded using this method:

    (If it is against TOS to link to other websites, please delete the link, and I apologize.)

    The Picture of the UnleashX dashboard in that link is how the dash always looks when using that particular method.

    Anyway, "Destroy all Humans" plays just fine from the HDD in this Xbox. I am going to FTP the Destroy all Humans folder from the stock HDD to my PC, then FTP it back to the 320GB HDD. It probably won't work, but hey it is worth a shot...right? I'll post and let you know if it works!
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 2, 2007
  7. chunkhead

    chunkhead Regular member

    Oct 20, 2006
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    Could be a region problem in your dashboard. If the game is from an NTSC region and playing in a PAL Xbox, they tend to freak out, you can set this to 'Auto' in the dash and it should be able to swap as needed!?
  8. Yamurru

    Yamurru Guest

    Both games and the Xbox are NTSC. I did wonder that when I first got the used "Destroy all Humans!" 1. I wondered if somehow I was sent the PAL version, but it wasn't. Man...what a weird problem this is!

    I was hoping that installing the newest UnleashX might clear it up.

    I also noticed that on the Xbox with the stock HDD the version of UnleashX is older than on the upgraded HDD. I beleive the Upgraded HDD has version 0.38 but the stock HDD has version 0.37.

    Do you think that could make a difference?
  9. steimy

    steimy Active member

    Dec 2, 2004
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    It is possible that the dashboard could be the problem, but not likely. I used the same old EvoX version for years before i decided to update. Because i had it all modded and it was just the way i like it with links on the main page to all my favorite programs.

    Methods you can try:
    DVD2Xbox strait from a working disc to the HDD

    Craxtion4 To rip the game from the Xbox, then FTP the files. Or rip from the disc strait to the hard drive rather than the PC although i always used the two step process of rip, then use a good FTP program to FTP (WS-FTP Pro)

    Qwix to do the same as Craxtion4

    Put file (not ISO file) on a DVD and try to copy them from there to your HDD on the Xbox using UnleashX dash.

    I can not really think of any other ways, maybe chunkhead has a few more ideas
  10. Yamurru

    Yamurru Guest

    Thanks for the suggestions steimy! I will give them a try.
  11. Yamurru

    Yamurru Guest

    Sorry to DP, but so far I have tried:

    DVD2Xbox - Didn't work.
    Craxtion4 then FTPing it back to Xbox - Still didn't work

    Steimy, what did you mean by:

    Do you mean the folders and the .XBE file?

    Do these 2 games (Destroy all Humans 1&2) work for you guys?

    Thanks again for the suggestions!
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 13, 2007
  12. varnull

    varnull Guest

    Both work fine for me..

    Evox dash, pal box with ntsc games..

    dash settings..

    region - default

    and both in game resets off

    Having the second one ON caused both games to hang at the loading screen, as did having the region on auto or anything but default.

    Check also that there is nothing in the x,y,z partitions.. EA games are bad at leaving certain config data lurking there. It's supposed to be volatile so no harm deleting any cache files you find hiding there.

    Do you have any working versions of these games at all~? If d/l iso's aren't working when you burn them maybe the person who ripped them got it wrong (not uncommon)
  13. Yamurru

    Yamurru Guest I was really hoping your suggestions/settings would work, but I am using UnleashX ver 0.37 and I don't know how to change the settings you mentioned. I looked at the info for the game (Destroy all humans 1) and the region says "Multi". I don't know how to change it to default!

    Also if it helps, the Xbox and games are NTSC (US).

    Also the games I am trying to back-up are actual copies of my games, so I can't blame someone else for a bad rip ;)
  14. varnull

    varnull Guest

    It's strange.. you should try changing to evox dash. I have had a few issues with unleash as a main dash in the past,(pal region only.. others noted the same thing occasionally) so I only use it as an application now.

    Heres what I do with awkward games...

    rip the game to a folder over ftp.. and then run clonexb to make an iso.. burn that on a dvd+rw and rip it to the xbox hdd. Neither game (pal europe, but says region free) needed any hdd patches.

    One thought keeps cropping up.. do you have any saves from the games after playing the originals.. if so then ftp them off and delete them from the xbox and try again.. The odd game sometimes seems to check the save for some key which may be changed due to the source path of the game.xbe (that's a guess.. conker refused to load from hdd when there was a save made with the original game.. that was about the same time DaH1 was released)

    dvd2xbox will patch any media checks.. so I'm just not seeing why it isn't working unless there is something strange about the dash setup on this particular box, or a corrupted save.

    I did find this which may be worth a try..

    but as I don't have an original now, and no issues with it at all.....
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 14, 2007
  15. Yamurru

    Yamurru Guest

    varnull...thanks for looking into this for me man! Much appreciated :) I will let you know if I can ever get these two games to work. I kind of wonder if it may be the DVD Drive...?

    I don't know, maybe I'm grasping at

    Either way I really appreciate all the help and suggestions from everyone!

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