Trying to backup my copy of Age of Empire 2

Discussion in 'CD-R' started by Linette97, Jan 8, 2005.

  1. Linette97

    Linette97 Member

    Jan 2, 2005
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    We have Age of Empire 2. I wanted to make a backup copy so my Husband and I can play each other online. I've been reading around the forum and found out that it's pretty easy to backup this game. I scanned it with A-Ray Scanner. It said that the game is Safedisc 1. As I type this I'm using Alcohol 120%. 25 minutes have passed and it's still at 1% and the log just keeps saying "Disc Read Error" Is this suppose to happen? does it take this long? I tried to follow the guide that is available here. Can anyone help me more in detail in regards to settings and anything else?
    This is what I'm working with
    LG CD-RW CED-8080B (This is what I'm using to read the Game)
    Lite-On DVDRW External 1633S
    Alcohol 120%

    Do I have what it takes?? Do you need more info?
    Thank you in advance. I really tried it myself but don't think I'm doing it right.
  2. pollushon

    pollushon Regular member

    Sep 23, 2004
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    Read errors are part of the safedisc protection, its perfectly normal. To speed up the error read process try a fastdump like this:

    FastDump is a feature of Daemon Tools/FantomCD/Alcohol 120% that allows you to quickly dump SafeDisc protected cd.

    Quick mini-howto:
    Insert the protected cd into the drive.
    Enable Bad Sectors Emulation/SafeDisc Emulation in Daemon Tools/FantomCD/Alcohol 120%.
    Run the installed game.
    Quit the game and don't remove the cd.
    Read the cd with Your favourite cd-cloning software like Alcohol 120%/FantomCD/CloneCD/BlindWrite Suite etc. bad sectors reading will be skipped and the digital signature will be generated automatically.
    Disable Bad Sectors Emulation/SafeDisc Emulation.
  3. Linette97

    Linette97 Member

    Jan 2, 2005
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    Oh that's great to know. So Fast Dump is a feature in Alcohol 120%? I'm will try tonight and let you know if it worked. thanks alot!
  4. SemiGodd

    SemiGodd Member

    Jan 17, 2005
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    well i dont have age of empires but i have the bin and cues for commandos 3...i'm trying to figure out how to burn it onto a DVD and run it from the dvd and intall the game..

    its three bins and three cues....

    somone plz give me details as to howto properly do this....i dont know what the data type is...or what burn speed i need...or anything...i'm a complete newb...

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