I have read the guide to using decrypter. Once i've ripped the movie i get two files, an .ISO and a .MDS, not a .DVD like the guide says I should have. I'm assuming i can't use either of these to burn to a DVD-R? Thanks
Great, all worked. Now I have an ISO that exceeds what the guide says it should (for easy transfer), 4.7G i think. Is there an FAQ that shows how i can shrink this or do i have to split it? The movie iso is 6.6G? Thanks again!
Assuming you want to stay free, use DVD Shrink to edit down to target size and you can burn with Decrypter. DVD Decrypter, Daemon, and DVD Shrink; more than enough tools to do the job.
Or, if you want to expand your horizons, use DVD Shrink and the Nero Burning ROM. You can get DVD Shrink as a free download. The Nero is available at their site. [bold]Do not use the InCD portion of Nero, a known problem with DVD recording.[/bold] The Nero trial is 30 days. Just simply download the Nero and then the DVD Shrink. Shrink uses Nero automaticaly, so you only need to use the Shrink quide at first. Nero has guides at their site if you're interested. If you ever purchase the Nero, make sure you get the pack with Recode2 (a good retail recording program, a bit more elaborate than Shrink). Recode2 doesn't come with the trial pack. DVD Shrink and Nero give fuller function than with Decrypter as a burner. DVD Decrypter is one of the best decryption programs around, but is limited as a burner. Even the Shrink website lists DVD Decrypter as a backup burner. You have to have a transcoding program anytime you have a file larger than the disc you want to put it on. The program compresses the files to fit the target. That is why you need it.
Perfect! Thanks...last question (I hope) I came across a problem that I'm reading is inherant with Disney DVD's, multiple angles. Does simpy shrinking the ISO down do the trick or do I have to strip some stuff
A quick answer. The prob is retaining multi angles. DVD Decrypter has a setting for multi-angle support. I don't really worry about it as I don't go switching angles during the movie. So, I haven't checked it out. Many have asked the question where the probs with multi angle actually occur. Since you have to compress to place the file on target, it comes as an irrelevant question when speaking of compression (this week anyway). The tools are the question. If you want to spend some time and money, check the thread with CCE, DVDRemake, and Rebuilder. Since you own the original, if you want to enjoy the multi angle shots, break it out and don't scratch it. _X_X_X_X_X_[small][bold]'brobear'[/bold] [/small]