I have extracted the audio out of a concert dvd using dvd decrypter, but I cannot figure out how to use Besweet to convert it to a WAV file to burn on to a cd. I am new at this thing, but have have found these forums helpful in the past. Thanks alot
Did you download the BeSweet GUI along with the command-line exe? BeSweet is a setup nightmare but once its all setup properly it works great. Basiclly the set-up requires you to tell the BeSweet GUI where everything is (even the BeSweet.exe). After all of that select the output type (the default is LAME "Mp3"). Change it to "Wave-Stereo". The tab that says "AC3 to Wave" should turn green. When you click on it it will either ask you to make some setup changes (if a required program path is missing...) or it will start encoding the AC3 file to Wave. I don't know why the GUI was built that way, its confussing. Ced
Try xmpeg or dvd2avi these allow u to extract the audio as a ac3 or wav. Xmpeg allows u too capture audio as a mp3 , these are much easier too use than besweet.
Thanks everyone for your help. I was finally able to figure out how to use Besweet. It did a really nice job converting the ac3 file, but you were right it is really confusing. It is really awesome to have people that are willing to help out, thanks alot.
Please disregard previous question. I found the Headac3che program and the azzid one that goes along with it. But now how do I open the rar file. The only way I found to open it was buying a rar program.
you need a program called winrar to decompress the rar. It's like winzip, not strictly free but it operates free with a few nags
http://forum.doom9.org/showthread.p...1d3fb0298f&threadid=84500&highlight=headac3he the latest that i know
Hi kevron6. for future reference you might want to try VirtualDubMod to extract ac3 and convert it to .wav. The best way to do this is: - Go to the File menu in VirtualDubMod and select Open video file, then find your AVI file (DIVX XVID etc) - Once Virtualdubmod finishes opening the file, go to the Streams menu and select "Stream list" - Now you should see the Available streams window, you then right click the stream at the top of the window and select "full processing mode" - right click the stream again and select "conversion", then set this so that it converts to 44100 - Finally, click the "save wav button", give the file a name and save it. This file can now be loaded directly into the program lets say TMPGEnc and use it for a vcd conversion. ~Achillies~
So, you want to unzip .RAR files? [bold]Extract Now[/bold] is free and it woks just fine. Link to Extract Now: http://www.extractnow.com/ Link to Extract Now at Download.com: http://www.download.com/ExtractNow/3000-2250_4-10228183.html?tag=lst-0-7 Also, this site will help you set-up the [bold]Headac3he[/bold] app: http://www.geocities.com/orbital_bearing/headac3he.html Ced