You'll get a sense of just how little I know about this stuff I'm trying to give a gift to a friend by transferring private jam sessions of my band(non copywritable) to his IPOD. They are in wav form on CDRs now. If I convert them to MP3s, can I burn them to a disc. And can the mp3 discs be downloaded to his IPOD without using the ITUnes site? I really want to make this easy to him as he knows even less than me(if thats possible) I'm supposing that he might have to download them off the CDs and on to his computer.....and then IPOD? Yeesh forgive my simplemindedness.
You can give the CD to your friend and copy the mp3s to his/her computer. Then, since iPods are retarded(that's why I am probably so refractory to getting one, keeping my phone as an mp3 player), you cannot just drag'n'drop the music, he needs to use a program like iTunes, WinAmp, Floola to transfer it.
It is not that Apple is retarded they just hope you are. They want to take your money. They have been doing pretty good job. I never heard of Foola. Yes, itunes will import a CD of mp3s. Do your friend a favor and make sure the he/she is not using itunes. It is robber in a box. I will add Media Monkey to the list of good audio managers.
They might have been doing a good job , but not taking my money, there's not even a tint of it on my corpse.
Me neither. I never got that far. itunes drove me crazy with its slowness, lack of options and the rogue interface. itunes is for the computer challanged that don't mind spending money.