Trying to pick out the best camera please help

Discussion in 'Digital camcorders' started by banno, Aug 8, 2004.

  1. banno

    banno Member

    Aug 8, 2004
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    Im currently attending a school for digital media.. my budget is well lets say 500 bucks. What i need in a camera is firewire or usb and high quality video i can download onto my comp and take out the perfect frame from the shot for all my graphics.
  2. Elecctric

    Elecctric Member

    Aug 12, 2004
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    Check out the Sony TRV-340. It is probably called something else now, because mine is 2 years old now but the model that is close to it would do just fine and fit your price range. Digital 8 is a great way to go. The quality is great and I have had nothing but great luck with this video camera. You can also store video on a memory stick and the quality is great.
    I hope I have been of some help.
  3. ZombyHero

    ZombyHero Member

    May 19, 2004
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    If you're looking to use a budget Digital 8 or miniDV video cam to extract high quality still frames, you're out of luck. miniDV records only at 720x480 pixel resolution due to the very limited resolution of television. On top of that, miniDV also record interlaced images that are compressed with a 4:1:1 sampling rate. All in all, still images taken from low end digital video formats like miniDV and D8 are pretty crappy for graphic design work. For an explanation of video resolution, see here:

    So, if you're not going to be working in actual video, then do yourself a favor and get a nice digital still cam.

    If you are going to be working in video and still, I'd recommend getting both a video camera and a still camera, however, that's pricey. If you're mind is set on a video camera, definately go with a solid miniDV camera. Sony puts out excellent 1-chip cameras, and I just bought the Panasonic GS-200 which I'm very happy with. For a quality camera, you'll probably end up spening more than $500, though.

    Hope I could help.
  4. glenpinn

    glenpinn Guest

    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 16, 2004
  5. DavesPPC

    DavesPPC Member

    Aug 16, 2004
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    USB cables aren't designed for video imaging and transfer?
    That doesn't make any sense.

    USB cables are designed for Data transmission of any type, and in any size. I can transfer 300GB of data over USB wire, but if it's a video, then I cannot? The wires going to melt or something?
    Digital8 and MiniDV use Data, which USB cables are "designed" for. Firewire is a better option, yes, but not because of your reasoning.

    6.0MP cameras don't make professional pictures, they make bigger pictures. A 2MP camera can take pictures just as nice as a 6MP camera. I own 7 digital cameras, and my 6.3MP camera takes some of the worst pictures of all, albeit the pictures are the largest in size. You sound like a BestBuy employee, selling only the expensive stuff, that is not necessarily the best stuff to buy. Sorry to harp on you about these things, but you are a "professional" with a serious lack of information about certain things. The cost and size of MegaPixels does in NO way make a better camera.
    What do you shoot professionally, might I ask? Just curious, as I am a "advanced" photographer, by no means professional (meaning that I don't make money doing it).

    No offense implied :) Just giving facts.


    Last edited: Aug 16, 2004
  6. glenpinn

    glenpinn Guest

    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 16, 2004
  7. ZombyHero

    ZombyHero Member

    May 19, 2004
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    C'mon folks, let's keep this civl, the person just wanted some camera info.

    Although I do have to disagree with Glen, I've never transferred video by USB simply because I've never had the desire. Firewire is better, in fact, I believe it was designed with video in mind.

    I'm not going to get in on the megapixel arguement, because I have limited experience with digital still photography, but you both have excellent points.

    Dave reminded us that larger MPs don't automatically mean better pictures, and Glenn reminded us there's a world of difference between shooting for images to view on the monitor and shooting images to be made into prints.

    So stop trying to pick a virtual fist fight, please.
  8. glenpinn

    glenpinn Guest

    im not replying to any more threads in here simply cos of the big problem with conflicting opinions on every topic. we all have different opinions, and people like dave should respect those opinions, and contribute with some real advice to BANNO, not come here bagging me and my reply.
    happy days everyone.....GLEN

    DAVE, send me a PM m8 and ill argue with u there, not here
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 16, 2004
  9. SparkeyNi

    SparkeyNi Member

    Jul 14, 2004
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    Last edited: Aug 17, 2004
  10. banno

    banno Member

    Aug 8, 2004
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    i think i've decided on this camer (JVC GR-D93) as i believe it will give me what i need in price... and video/still img quality.

    may i please get some thoughts on this? thank you
  11. banno

    banno Member

    Aug 8, 2004
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    actually nevermind i just found one review on it i didnt like... i think im going to have to stick with just a regular digital camera and when i get the money i can get a video camera. The reasone i was wanting a video camera is cause some of the pics i wanted would be very hard to capture so i wanted to step throuhg the frames and get just the right picture.
  12. Dk2

    Dk2 Member

    Jun 12, 2004
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    i think you can try the panasonic pv-g200
    i forgot th name but that is $1300

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