I keep getting "not support adapter?" when I try to run any applications in Moonshell on the R4. I've been trying to run DSOrganize with no luck. I am running Moonshell 1.71. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I haven't run DSOrganize, but I assume it is an .nds file. You don't run .nds files using Moonshell. When you boot up and get the initial R4 screen, the right icon, does GBA, the middle icon does Moonshell, and the left icon does games. select that one, look for the nds fiel for DSOrganize, and run it from there. See if this is helpful: http://www.dragonminded.com/dsorganize/wiki/index.php?title=Main_Page
Thanks. I sort of figured that out last night but I thought that wasn't the way it should work. What is Moonshell used for then? Can you run certain applications from inside of it?
Throw .mp3's and videos in .dpg format on the card and you can use Moonshell to listen to and watch them.