Discussion in 'DVDR' started by MSMITHRIV, Sep 2, 2004.



    I know that this must be a really dumb question, but as a newbie maybe someone will have pity on me. I have a slew of movies eating up the disk space on my Apple IMAC which I can't burn to DVD because they are too large. I want to burn only the movie and audio files so that when I play a DVD, it begins to play without the menus and special features. My problem is that I don't understand what the individual video/audio files mean (VOB, AVI, etc.). I can't seem to find an understandable explanation anywhere. Does anyone know what these files mean or if it is possible to burn a DVD with only the necessary files (no menu/special features), or how to split these files between two disks so that the second disk will continue to play the movie. I presently have nearly 60Gigs of movies that I can't copy anywhere else to free up my disk space. My only option it to make viable DVD burns or delete them. Please help.
  2. Jabba2004

    Jabba2004 Guest

    Get the free apps DVD Decrypter and DVD Shrink - the first lets you back up your protected DVD and copy the files to your HD. The latter lets you get rid of stuff you dont want and compress to allow you to fit it onto a std DVD



    Thanks for your help, but I have an IMAC and these apps are for Windows only. Do you know of an app that I can use for Macs? Thanks again.
  4. michigan

    michigan Guest

  5. Jabba2004

    Jabba2004 Guest

    Ah...that would be why it says newbie under my name.
  6. michigan

    michigan Guest


    Don't worry about it you tried to help, comendable.

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