TSOP flashing using Cromwell and raincoat

Discussion in 'Xbox - Hardware mods' started by newbman, Oct 8, 2008.

  1. newbman

    newbman Member

    Oct 8, 2008
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    ok im trying to flash my TSOP chip on my 1.1 xbox with cromwell and raincoat. im am currently using this tut here:http://www.xbox-linux.org/wiki/Hardware_Method_HOWTO

    at the bottom with the TSOP chip flashing part it tells me to put the files in the /tmp directory, but where is that? in my FTP client all i see is the main ones like C drive ect. also can anyone recomend a client that does those commands as well?

    btw i used the splinter cell exploit.

    thanks for helping out a newb!
  2. DrGanja

    DrGanja Guest

    I believe the meaning of the tmp directory is where your gamesave goes . i used the splinter cell to flash my tsops on different versions of xboxes with no problems . Also i use filezilla to ftp my boxes . I like it best most likely because its fully free . Good Luck .

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