TTDS and

Discussion in 'Nintendo DS' started by Ian1324, Mar 22, 2009.

  1. Ian1324

    Ian1324 Member

    Feb 19, 2006
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    Hello again to all on the AD forums, haven't been here in quite a while.

    Anyway, I've got a TTDS with 1.5 firmware (downgraded from 1.6 cause my card bricked and I heard that 1.6 may have been the cause)

    I've only ever used the TTDS to play DS roms, but its just dawned on me that I could use it for SNES and Genesis/Megadrive Emulators.

    I've done a bit research around the internet, and decided that jEnesisDS is meant to be by far the best Genesis/Mega Drive emulator about, and it doesn't need a slot2 device (which I don't have).

    I've followed all the instructions I can find, but I'm having no joy at all. I'm simply dragging the emulator (in this case jEnesisDS_0.7.nds) into the folder with all my DS roms.

    Its showing up on the ROM menu, but whenever I try and load it, it just says 'loading' on the top screen of the TTDS menu, and freezes.

    I've also tried picodriveds and had exactly the same problem.

    The jEnesisDS also came with a file called 'ApprenticeMinusDS_0.2.6.nds', which I've no idea what it is. I've tried running that again and having the same problem.

    Could anyone be kind enough to give me a hand with this? Once I've got the emulators working I'll be find with loading the roms into the directory's and whatnot, but I've searched high and low on the internet and can't find any help on it.

    Any help much appreciated :)


  2. jmander11

    jmander11 Guest

    I agree with using JenesisDS for genesis games, as well you should also try try using SnemulDS for SNES games and NesDS for NES Games.

    Ok, first off
    1. Put the GenesisDS_0.6.nds in the Root of your card. (Or whatever version you have, that's just mine.)

    2. Put the Genesis games in a folder named Genesis.

    I have no idea what that second file you mentioned is, I never saw it.

    I am unsure if it is compatible with your card as I have never heard of it, but chances are it'll work. I'm not sure, but you might have to patch it with dlds or d... (Been a while since looked at that stuff as I have an M3 Real which patches automatically like R4)

    P.S. With Snemulds put the games in SNES and for NesDS put the games in NES. Also remember that pretty much every emulator needs to be in the root of the card, except for lemmingsds, which can be 3 directories deep.
  3. kittymat

    kittymat Regular member

    Sep 9, 2008
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    First download JenesisDS 0.7 - this is the latest and much better than the previous version.

    I agree try to DLDI patch the rom and see if this works. the other program is a Game Gear emulator I believe - you only need the JenesisDS file.
  4. Ian1324

    Ian1324 Member

    Feb 19, 2006
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    Cheers for the replys guys, I'm putting the emulator straight into the root of my memory card, and I've made the folder for the Roms, but the problem is the emulator itself just doesn't load up.

    Mabey its my flash card?
  5. jmander11

    jmander11 Guest

    Then most likely you will have to DLDI patch it.

    Try looking up manual DLDI patching for TTDS on GOOGLE. I know that TTDS has auto-DLDI patching, however it is somewhat buggy from what I have gathered.

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