This is the route I took in the process of Softmodding my Xbox. If you do everything I tell you correct step by step, this process should only take 10 minutes. The main reason for me softmodding my Xbox was for Halo 2. Also, I put a lot of detail in this tutorial. I hope it gets [bold]stickied,[/bold] & I hope this tutorial helps you! [bold]Listed below you is what you will need[/bold] : [bold]Splinter Cell[/bold] (Non Platinum hits) [bold]A computer[/bold]. [bold][NOTE][/bold] : This will not function with a MACINTOSH Operating System.[/bold] It will only function correctly with Windows 98 and above. [bold]An Xbox[/bold]. (Obviously.) [bold]Official Action Replay Software[/bold] (It can be any version of Action Replay it doesn't matter..) [bold]A router[/bold]. [bold]A USB port[/bold]. [bold]Action Replay Memory Card "8MB"[/bold]. [bold]The Action Replay uploader cord.[/bold] (The one that hooks into your USB port, it came with Action Replay..) [bold] mIRC Chat Client [/bold] -> < download mIRC in the link I just provided.[/bold] _________________________________________________________________ Hello, welcome to my Softmodding tutorial. I will be covering all you need to know in order to successfully patch & mod your [bold] NEW [/bold] Halo 2 maps. Now, we begin.. [bold]1.)[/bold] First install your Action Replay software that came with it. Now, run your Action Replay software, and run the mIRC chat client. Now, go to one of these channels to get it. Type in : and [bold][NOTE] : Don't use Unleashed X, it has a bad history of screwing up your Xbox's Hard Drive.[/bold] [bold]2.)[/bold] When you are finished downloading the Linux files, click on the folder, the 2 should be there. [bold][NOTE] : DON'T EXTRACT THE FILES KEEP THEM AS .ZIP.[/bold] Drag them from the folder onto your Memory Card slot in your Action Replay window. You will know Action Replay is working when the "AR" orb at the top is illuminated in green. If it's gray, you've done something wrong. To make sure the orb will be/stay green, check if your USB plug that came with your Action Replay is safely in the USB port, and that your "8MB" memory card is safely in the tip of the cord. After your Linux files are done downloading onto your memory card, unplug your "8MB" Memory card from your USB tip and plug the memory card into your Xbox's Controller Port (Where the Voice Box goes on Xbox Live). [bold]3.)[/bold] Turn on your Xbox. Now. go to your Xbox's dashboard and go to your memory card. [bold][NOTE]: If you have old Splinter Cell data on your memory card, DELETE IT. The Linux files can be the only Splinter Cell saves you can have.[/bold] Now, Copy the Splinter Cell file and the Linux file to your Xbox's hard drive. [bold][NOTE] : You have the move your icon right if you want to copy it, if you leave it as is it will just ask if you want to delete it![/bold] After you've done that, insert your "Splinter Cell" disc, let it load, Click Start, then click linux, then checkpoints. Now you'll be in the "Evolution X" modded dashboard. Scroll down and you'll see System Utils, click on it then go to "Settings". Now copy down your Xbox's IP on a piece of paper and go to your computer. (An example of what an Xbox IP will look like would be [bold]STAY IN YOUR MODDED DASHBOARD DON'T TOUCH THE CONTROLLER.[/bold] [bold][NOTE] : You can only transfer mods and connect to FlashFXP when you are in the modded dashboard.[/bold] [bold]4.)[/bold] Now what I want you to do is download the following programs from this link below you : [bold]FlashFXP[/bold] [bold]Map Resigner[/bold] [bold]PPF O Matic[/bold] (To get these go to Programs then go to "Modding") [bold]5.)[/bold] Now that you have all the necessary programs, download the most popular .PPFs from these links : To get the .PPF files from go to downloads, scroll down to the very bottom and choose "NeoN's map pack." To get the .PPF files from go to Website PPFs and then choose "x50x Fear's PPFs." Don't choose NeoN's because I linked you to to get those, the reason I didn't give you one link to get both is because the link doesn't work on, Besides. His best mods are on After you have your PPF files downloaded just sort the makers of the PPF files in seperate folders and leave it on your desktop. [bold]6.)[/bold] Now, run the 3 programs. Map Resigner, FlashFXP, and PPF O Matic, you'll use Map Resigner and PPF O Matic later, now, focus on FlashFXP. Open FlashFXP, still in your modded dashboard on Xbox.. A window will pop up when you run FlashFXP. Just click "I accept" and press "F8" On your keyboard. [bold][NOTE] : Make sure "F Lock" on your keyboard is on.[/bold] Ignore "History" on the top. For "Server or URL" type in your Xbox's IP. For name type xbox for password type xbox and just ignore the rest of the stuff on the bottom. Now, do the following. When you sign on, on your right there should be a list of folders. Double Click on the "E" Folder, then click on "TDATA" folder, then click on the folder that ends with "64", then click on "$c" folder. Inside you'll see 3 map folders. 00000001 contains and, 00000002 contains (Sanctuary) and 00000003 contains (Relic), (Terminal),,, and [bold]7.)[/bold] Now what I want you to do is make a folder in the "My Documents" folder called "Maps", now close My Documents and go back to your FlashFXP window. You have a slot on your right containing your maps and a slot on the left containing an empty maps folder, right? Now. What I want you to do is simply drag the maps from the 00000001 folder ( and ( over to your left side. Ignore the rest of the maps you want modded for now, so you don't get confused which map goes where. [bold]8.)[/bold] Open PPF O Matic. You'll see ISO File and Patch on the bottom. Next to both of them are little blue floppy discs, right? Well on the top (the ISO one) click the blue floppy and browse "My Documents" for the "Maps" folder. When you find it, Click it. Now you must be wondering, WHY ISN'T THERE ANYTHING IN HERE!? Haha, you just simply go down where it says "Files of type", click the arrow next to it and choose "All Files". Now, you must see your .map files in your "Maps" folder now, right? Good. Now click the .map file you want modded first, there is no specific order, so it won't matter which one you want to patch first. Now, you should have the ISO box filled with text. Good, now your on to box 2, the "Patch" one. Click the blue floppy disc on the side and browse on your desktop where you left your PPF files earlier. Now that you have either or in the first window, just simply choose the PPF file that goes with it! goes with Warlock.ppf and goes with Containment.ppf, get it! It doesn't matter who the maker of the PPF files you choose, mix and match if you want even! [bold][NOTE] : Yes you can make your own mods, but save that for later, it is too advanced for you.[/bold] Now after you have chosen both the matching .map and the matching .PPF, click "apply". It will tell you something about "burning a disc now", ignore it and click "ok". Now, the original map that was in your map folder will now be modded! [bold]9.)[/bold] Now, this is where your "Map Resigner" kicks in. You should already have the program running like I told you earlier. [bold][NOTE] : If your Map Resigner won't run and you get an error message, download .NET Framework.[/bold] (The Map Resigner icon should look like a red ball with black eyes). Now, when you have your Map Resigner running, click on the box on the left that says "open map". When you have found your map in the "Maps" folder that is now modded, click it then simply on your left box click "Sign". It shouldn't take too long to complete. [bold]10.)[/bold] Now that you your modded maps that are in your "Maps" folder are resigned, re-open your FlashFXP window. In your 00000001 folder on your right where your original and maps are sitting, before you insert the modded maps, [bold]DELETE THE ORIGINAL MAPS.[/bold] Now on your left you should have your "Maps" folder open with your modded maps. Insert first or first, it doesnt matter. But when it's done transferring to your 00000001 folder, it is modded on your Xbox. After you've transfered both maps, CONGRATS! You now have modded content on your Xbox. Now on your right, delete those modded maps that are there because they are already on your xbox, or do whatever you please with them. Just keep in mind that you can't drag those onto your desktop, you have to right click on them and transfer them somewere. Now, repeat the process if you want to mod all of your maps. Congratulations, you have completed my 10 minute tutorial. Now GO GET EM' TIGER!
some of the ar memory cards, including mine, corrrupt the game saves so if u are getting errors when u try and launch the save buy a a microsoft memory card
I've seen this tutorial before at a modding site....You didn't make it ........Plus we have enough better tuts