Tutorial: How to make your own Action Replay

Discussion in 'Xbox - Hardware mods' started by XTheOneX, Sep 30, 2006.

  1. XTheOneX

    XTheOneX Member

    Sep 29, 2006
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    All you need is a sacrificable xbox controller,USB cord, and memory card. I have all three which allowed me no cost whatsoever. The first step requires patience and a steady hand...and a controller. A standard controller comes in 2 sections: the controllers cord and the safety cord that spserates when tripped on. Heres my best visual:

    [X Player 4]
    [B Player 3]
    [O Player 2]
    [X Player 1]}---=---==|==--------------------------------(controller)

    } is cord-to-xbox plug, = is black piece on safety cord, ==|== is where controller cord and safety cord seperates. I hope you understand sofar.

    2. Take the 6" safety cord and put the controller aside for now. What you need to do next is find the middle of the safety cord between the "safety cord-to-controller" plug and that black piece with no purpous:


    3. Now listen carefully, I want you to find that point....and cut it off.
    Yes, cut it off. On your USB cord (the one with the flat tip, used for printers, cameras, fax machines, ect) guesstimate about 5" from the USB tip down the cord and cut it too:


    4. Now wire together the USB tip to the safety cord:



    5. And reconnect the safety and controller cords

    6. Now the hard part is done, and so is the hardware. Go here (copy & paste)"http://us.codejunkies.com/support_product.asp?c=US&cr=USD&cs=$&r=0&l=1&g=1&prodID=5"
    and download the sofware and your done !

    Your controller w/ USB tip acts the same way as the hardware in the store-bough action replay.

    This is my first AR tutorial so if theres something you didn't pick up or I missed,ask.

    Any Questions ?
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2006
  2. motomods

    motomods Regular member

    Oct 1, 2005
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    can you possibly post some real pics? this seems pretty cool but a lil difficult to understand..
  3. XTheOneX

    XTheOneX Member

    Sep 29, 2006
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    I really wish I could put real pics but I lost the USB cord to my camera and im too lazy to buy a new one. I had to do this myself as a matter of fact because they didn't sell AR where I live so I had no choice, and it was a piece of cake.

    EDIT: When all else fails, turn to Google.
    I got the links on my previous post, but this forum's image tags are wierd so all I could get up was the direct link.

    This oughta solve your confusion.
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2006
  4. clint79

    clint79 Guest

    Is this suitable for the soft mod? how do you know which wires to join, are they colour coded

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